The bulk of this collection pertains to the Chicken of Tomorrow Contest. It comprises newspaper clippings, single issues of trade journals, promotional pamphlets, and photographs. It describes the initial plans for the contest, prepared in 1945 by industry leaders, contains lists of individuals who entered the first contest in 1946, and identifies the records achieved during the three years that the contest was conducted. Correspondence concerning the breeding records of chickens produced by John Weidlich, of Roanoke, West Virginia, in 1951 and poultry business in general is also included.
NAL CALL NO: SF483.4 W44 R
Container List
Box 1 of 1
Early supporter of the National Chicken-of-Tomorrow Contest.
Papers on Poultry Improvement.
Brochures and Pictures, Chicken-of-Tomorrow Contests.
Newspaper clippings, photographs and brochures concerning John Weidlich's poultry, 1945-51.