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Series VII, Container list, USDA History Collection

USDA History Collection

Series VII. Photographs, ca. 1860-1995.

CONTAINER LIST:Subseries 1, Subseries 2, Subseries 3 | Scope and Content Note   ||   Collection Map 

Series VII, subseries 1, Photographs from other series | Scope and Content Note

Box 7.1/1

Photos from Documentary File, Series I.1

VI B9. Cotton Mattress Program, "Cotton Mattress Project, Book 3." 1940

IX B1b. Auxiliary Services (Women in Agricultural Libraries). n.d.

IX B1b(4) USDA Auxiliary Services, Office of Personnel. 1914-1933

IX B4a. Bureau of Agricultural Economics [Photo of Thomas Jefferson letter]. [18]09

IX B4e(1) Regional Research Laboratories. 1841-1983

IX C2. Extension Service. 1892-1913, 1953

IX C2c. Extension Service and State Colleges of Agriculture, 75th Anniversary scrapbook. 1937

IX F. USDA Buildings File, Old Administration Building and Conservatory. ca. 1870-ca. 1920

IX F. USDA Buildings File, Administration Building with central portion. 1930s

IX F. USDA Buildings File, Administration Building, Laboratory wings. 1906-1927

IX F. USDA Buildings File, Administration and South Buildings. 1931-1985

IX F. USDA Buildings File, Aerial views from Washington Monument. ca. 1920-1935

IX F. USDA Buildings File, Art & Sculpture, War Memorial. n.d.

IX F. USDA Buildings File, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. ca. 1940-ca. 1980

IX F. USDA Buildings File, Experimental farms and stations. 1883-ca. 1900

IX F. USDA Buildings File, Greenhouses on Mall. 1871-1940

IX F. USDA Buildings File, Interiors, Office of Secretary. ca. 1950

IX F. USDA Buildings File, Maps. 1920

IX F. USDA Buildings File, National Agricultural Library. ca. 1970

IX F. USDA Buildings File, National Arboretum. 1968

IX F. USDA Buildings File, Other views. 1895-1966

Photos from Documentary File, Series I.2

VII. Fostering Western Hemispheric Integration. 1943

IX B2a(3) Secretary's Office, Auxiliary Services, personnel. 1942-1943

IX B2c(3) Extension Service. 1940

Photos from Documentary Files, Series I.3

IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics (O. C. Stine). n.d.

IX B4b. Agricultural Research Center. 1956 (?)

Photos from Documentary Files, Series I.4

XI B4c. Winters Photos, Liberia, negatives. 1953

XI B4c. Winters Photos, Liberia, photograph list and audio tape transcript. 1953

XI B4c. Winters Photos, Liberia, Nos. 1-40. 1953

XI B4c. Winters Photos, Liberia, Nos. 41-80. 1953

XI B4c. Winters Photos, Liberia, Nos. 81-120. 1953

Box 7.1/2

Photos from Documentary Files, Series I.4

XI B4c. Winters Photos, Liberia, Nos. 121-168. 1953

Photos from Documentary Files, Series I.5

X H2. Bicentennial farms. n.d.

XI H15. Extension Service (Dr. Mary Nell Greenwood). ca. 1985

Photos from Documentary Files, Series I.6

XI H. Agricultural Marketing Service (James C. Handley). 1989

Photos from Class File, Series II

Accounts. 1927, n.d.

Benson, Ezra Taft (1899-1994). n.d.

Big ox. [1839]

Buffalo. n.d.

Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI). 1883-1948, n.d.

Capron, Horace (1804-1885). 1889, 1967-1968, n.d.

Conservation, transparencies. n.d.

Cooper, Thomas P. 1918-1951

Drought. 1936-1940

Espy, Mike. [1993]

Fletcher, Robert S., Montana Stockgrowers. n.d.

Food preservation. n.d.

Food processing. 1979

Ford, Henry. 1908

France. n.d.

Fussell, G. E., articles. 1936-1939

Galpin, Charles Josiah. n.d.

Gardens. 1979-1994

Hibbard, Benjamin Horace, article. 1904

Iowa, Charles Franklin Curtiss. 1950?

Japan, cherry trees. 1981

Jefferson, Thomas. 1802, 1943, n.d.

Kirkpatrick, E. L. n.d.

Lacy, Mary G. n.d.

LaFollete, Robert M. Sr. n.d.

Le Duc, William Gates. n.d.

Living Historical Farms. 1975

Machinery, combines. 1940s

Machinery, general. 1974?

Machinery, harvesting (grain). 1834, 1850, n.d.

Machinery, harvesting/reaper, thresher. n.d.

Marketing. 1939

Meyer, Frank N. 1983

Peterson, Arthur G. 1927-1940

Photos from Class File, Series II heading "Photographs"

Photographs--Acorns. 1940

Photographs--Adams, Charles Francis. n.d.

Photographs--Adams, John Quincy. n.d.

Photographs--Agricultural Research Service (ARS) projects. n.d.

Photographs--Aldrich, Richard J. n.d.

Photographs--Allen, Edwin West. n.d.

Photographs--Allin, Bushrod W., with J. Schnittker, R. Daly, J. P. Cavin. n.d.

Photographs--Ancient and medieval agriculture. n.d.

Photographs--Anderson, Clinton P. n.d.

Photographs--Appleby, Paul. n.d.

Photographs--Archibald Mill highway marker, Dundas, Minnesota. 1934

Photographs--Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station. 1912

Photographs--Assunpink Creek Watershed (P.L. 566 Project). 1969

Photographs--Atwater, Wilbur O. (1844-1907) n.d.

Photographs--Audubon, John J. n.d.

Photographs--Axtell, John D. n.d.

Photographs--Babcock, Stephen M. n.d.

Photographs--Baker, Gladys L. 1968

Photographs--Baker, Gladys L., text. 1980-1982

Photographs--Bancroft, George. n.d.

Photographs--Bankhead, John Hollis (1842-1920). n.d.

Photographs--Bankhead, John Hollis II (1872-1946). n.d.

Photographs--Barnes, W. Carroll (1908-1973). n.d.

Photographs--Barrett, Charles S. (1866-1935) n.d.

Top of Page

Box 7.1/3

Photos from Class File, Series II heading "Photographs"

Photographs--Benson, Ezra Taft. n.d.

Photographs--Bentley, Orville G. n.d.

Photographs--Benton, Thomas Hart. n.d.

Photographs--Bergland, Robert. n.d.

Photographs--Blacksmiths. n.d.

Photographs--Boats. 1906-1966, n.d.

Photographs--Boll weevil monument, Alabama. n.d.

Photographs--Boone, M. A. (b. 1920). n.d.

Photographs--Botanists at Manchester, England. 1886

Photographs--Brannan, Charles F. n.d.

Photographs--Breeding. 1942

Photographs--Bridges. 1934

Photographs--Brock, Donald. n.d.

Photographs--Bryant, William Cullen. n.d.

Photographs--Buchanan, James. n.d.

Photographs--Buffalo. 1935, n.d.

Photographs--Bull, Ephraim Wales and the concord grape. n.d.

Photographs--Burbank, Luther (1849-1926). n.d.

Photographs--Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI), statute and chiefs. 1884, n.d.

Photographs--Burton, Glenn. n.d.

Photographs--Butter churn. 1944

Photographs--Byerly, Theodore C. n.d.

Photographs--Cabbages. 1945

Photographs--Calhoun, John C. n.d.

Photographs--California Agricultural Experiment Station. 1923-1924, 1986

Photographs--Camp, Arthur F. n.d.

Photographs--Campbell, Thomas M. 1906 ?, 1952 ?

Photographs--Canadian agriculture. n.d.

Photographs--Capron, Horace. n.d.

Photographs--Carts. 1876, n.d.

Photographs--Carver, George Washington (1864-1943). n.d.

Photographs--Cass, Lewis. n.d.

Photographs--Cattle. 1937-1975, n.d.

Photographs--Chase, Salmon P. n.d.

Photographs--Chicago Board of Trade. 1970

Photographs--Choat, Rufus. n.d.

Photographs--Churches, colonial. n.d.

Photographs--Clay, Henry. n.d.

Photographs--Clinton, DeWitt. n.d.

Photographs--Cochrane, Willard M. 1962

Photographs--Coke, Thomas William (1754-1842). 1895

Photographs--Collins, G. H. (1896-1965) n.d.

Photographs--Colman, Norman J. 1889-1922

Photographs--Combining. 1939, n.d.

Photographs--Commissioners and Secretaries of Agriculture, official photographs. n.d.

Photographs--Contours. 1938-1975, n.d.

Photographs--Cooper, James Fenimore. n.d.

Photographs--Cooper, Thomas Poe. n.d.

Photographs--Co-ops. 1937-1966, n.d.

Photographs--Cork. 1942

Photographs--Corn. n.d.

Box 7.1/4

Photos from Class File, Series II heading "Photographs"

Photographs--Cotton. 1931-1942, n.d.

Photographs--Cotton cartoon. n.d.

Photographs--Cowboys. n.d.

Photographs--Cowling, Ellis B. n.d.

Photographs--Crawford, William A. n.d.

Photographs--Crittenden, J. J. n.d.

Photographs--Dairy farming. 1944

Photographs--Davis, Chester C. 1943

Photographs--Davis, Jefferson. n.d.

Photographs--Deere, John (1804-1886). n.d.

Photographs--DeLuca, Hector F. n.d.

Photographs--Dock Street Market, Philadelphia. 1880-1935

Photographs--Donnelly (Ignatius) home, near Hastings, Minnesota. 1937

Photographs--Dorset, Marion. n.d.

Photographs--Douglas, Stephen A. n.d.

Photographs--Dust storms. 1935-1936

Photographs--Edler, George Christian. 1960

Photographs--Education, colonial. 1880, n.d.

Photographs--Edwards, E. E. 1927-1937, n.d.

Photographs--Ellsworth, Henry Leavitt (1791-1858). 1902, n.d.

Photographs--Ely, Richard T. n.d.

Photographs--Erosion--Conservation. 1937-1969, n.d.

Photographs--Everett, Edward. n.d.

Photographs--Extension Service. 1913

Photographs--Ezekiel, Mordecai Joseph Bill. n.d.

Photographs--Fairview Inn, Baltimore, Maryland. 1827

Photographs--Farm house. n.d.

Photographs--Farm machinery. 1942, n.d.

Photographs--Farmers Home Administration. n.d.

Photographs--Federal Horticultural Board. n.d.

Photographs--Federal Meat Inspection. 1946-1949

Photographs--Fences. 1937-1938, n.d.

Photographs--Filmstrip, Photographs from. 1855-1891, n.d.

Photographs--Filmstrip, Script for. n.d.

Photographs--Fillmore, Millard. n.d.

Photographs--Forbes, Edward W. n.d.

Photographs--Ford, Henry. ca. 1906, 1977

Photographs--Ford, Henry (text). 1977

Photographs--Foresters at work. 1910, 1955-1968, n.d.

Photographs--Forest fire, Cascade Mountains, Washington. n.d.

Photographs--Forest ranger station, Colorado. n.d.

Photographs--Forest Research Lab, Madison [Wisconsin] n.d.

Photographs--Freeman, Orville Lothrop. n.d.

Photographs--Galloway, Beverly T. 1890-1891, n.d.

Photographs--Galpin, Charles J. n.d.

Photographs--Gardner, Bruce. 1989 ?

Photographs--Gilbert, Joseph Henry. n.d.

Photographs--Good, Edwin S. n.d.

Photographs--Gore, Howard M. n.d.

Photographs--Grain storage bins. n.d.

Photographs--Grant, Ulysses S. n.d.

Photographs--Grant, Ulysses S., home, Galena, Illinois. n.d.

Photographs--Gray, Lewis Cecil. n.d.

Top of Page

Box 7.1/5

Photos from Class File, Series II heading "Photographs"

Photographs--Greeley, Horace. n.d.

Photographs--Grimm Farm, Minnesota (Wendelin Grimm). n.d.

Photographs--Grimm, Wendelin. n.d.

Photographs--Haecker, Theophilus Leir. 1937

Photographs--Haley, Daniel D. n.d.

Photographs--Hall, Caroline A. n.d.

Photographs--Hardin, Clifford N. n.d.

Photographs--Harlan, Jack R. n.d.

Photographs--Harris, Abram W. n.d.

Photographs--Harrison, William Henry. n.d.

Photographs--Harvesting. 1956, n.d.

Photographs--Hart, C. W. (1872-1937) n.d.

Photographs--Hay. n.d.

Photographs--Heady, Earl O. n.d.

Photographs--Heady, Earl O. (Text) 1983

Photographs--Hendrickson, [Roy F.] n.d.

Photographs--Henry C. Mercer Museum, Bucks County Historical Society, Doylestown, Pennsylvania. 1934

Photographs--Hilgard, Eugene W. n.d.

Photographs--Hjort, Howard W. n.d.

Photographs--Homes and gardens, early American. 1935, 1972, n.d.

Photographs--Homes and gardens, early American (text). 1930-1939, n.d.

Photographs--Horses. 1941, n.d.

Photographs--Houston, David Franklin. n.d.

Photographs--Huffaker, Carl B. 1981

Photographs--Huffaker, Carl B. (Text) n.d.

Photographs--Hyde, Arthur Mastick. n.d.

Photographs--Ice cutting. n.d.

Photographs--Ice house (Monticello). n.d.

Photographs--Implements. n.d.

Photographs--Indians, American. n.d.

Photographs--Inns. 1878, n.d.

Photographs--Inspection. 1928-1966, n.d.

Photographs--Irrigation. 1941

Photographs--Irving, Washington. n.d.

Photographs--Jackson, Andrew. n.d.

Photographs--Jackson, Andrew, home, The Hermitage, Nashville, Tennessee. 1939

Photographs--Jardine, James T. n.d.

Photographs--Jefferson Memorial. n.d.

Photographs--Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826). 1784-1802, n.d.

Photographs--Johnson, Andrew. n.d.

Photographs--Johnson, Samuel W. n.d.

Photographs--Jones, Marvin. n.d.

Photographs--Jordan, John Patrick. n.d.

Photographs--Journal of the West. 1882-ca.1986 (cattle, center-pivot irrigation, vineyard)

Photographs--unidentified "K." n.d.

Photographs--Kansas State University (Kansas State Agricultural College). n.d.

Photographs--Kelley, Oliver Hudson (1826-1913). n.d.

Photographs--Kelley, Oliver H., home, Elk River, Minnesota. 1937

Photographs--Kennedy, John Fitzgerald. 1961-1962

Photographs--Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1889-1985

Photographs--Kitchen, C. W. n.d.

Photographs--Knapp, Seaman T. n.d.

Box 7.1/6

Photos from Class File, Series II heading "Photographs"

Photographs--Lacy, Mary G. n.d.

Photographs--Lafayette, Marquis de. n.d.

Photographs--Le Duc, William Gates. n.d.

Photographs--Lee, John. n.d.

Photographs--Lee, Robert E. n.d.

Photographs--Lee, Thomas (1690-1750). n.d.

Photographs--Library of Congress. n.d.

Photographs--Lever, Asbury Francis (1875-1940). n.d.

Photographs--Lincoln, Abraham. n.d.

Photographs--Livingston, [George ?]. n.d.

Photographs--Log buildings. 1939, n.d.

Photographs--Logging. n.d.

Photographs--Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. n.d.

Photographs--Lovvorn, Roy L. n.d.

Photographs--Lush, Jay L. n.d.

Photographs--Lyng, Richard. n.d.

Photographs--Madigan, Edward R., swearing-in ceremony, with George Bush, Thomas Foley. 1991

Photographs--Maple sugar. n.d.

Photographs--Marshall, John, home. 1935

Photographs--Marshfield, Massachusetts, Daniel Webster home. n.d.

Photographs--McCormick, Cyrus H. n.d.

Photographs--McCormick Reaper, Historic sites. 1932, n.d.

Photographs--McNary, Charles L. (1874-1944) n.d.

Photographs--Melons. n.d.

Photographs--Meredith, Edwin T. n.d.

Photographs--Michigan Agricultural College, Lansing, Michigan. n.d.

Photographs--Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. n.d.

Photographs--Milk delivery. 1875-1939

Photographs--Miscellaneous (slides and prints). 1789-1974

Photographs--Monroe, James. n.d.

Photographs--Monticello, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson home. 1853-1944, n.d.

Photographs--Morrill Brothers (sons of Justin Smith Morrill). 1937

Photographs--Morrill, Justin Smith. n.d.

Photographs--Morse, Samuel F. B. n.d.

Photographs--Morton, Julius Sterling. n.d.

Photographs--Mountaineer's home and farm, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia. 1935

Photographs--Mount Vernon, Virginia (prints, George Washington estate). 1844, 1847

Photographs--Murray, "Pink," Range boss of the OK Ranch in Arizona. n.d.

Photographs--National Geographic clippings. 1928-1929, n.d.

Photographs--Natural Bridge, Virginia. 1935

Photographs--Nelson, Edward W. n.d.

Photographs--New Salem State Park, Illinois. 1938

Photographs--Newton, Isaac (1800-1867). n.d.

Photographs--North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station. 1927-1967, n.d.

Photographs--North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (text). 1986, n.d.

Photographs--Norris, George W. (1861-1944) n.d.

Photographs--Norris, George W., home, McCook, Nebraska. 1935

Photographs--Nutrition. n.d.

Box 7.1/7

Photos from Class File, Series II heading "Photographs"

Photographs--Oklahoma settlers. 1888-1889, n.d.

Photographs--Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts. n.d.

Photographs--Olsen, Nils. n.d.

Photographs--O'Neal, Edward A. (1875-1958) n.d.

Photographs--Orchards. 1937, 1941, n.d.

Photographs--Packers and Stockyards Administration. n.d.

Photographs--Parr, Charles W. (1864-1941) n.d.

Photographs--Patch, Edith M. n.d.

Photographs--Peek, George N. (1873-1943) n.d.

Photographs--Pennsylvania. 1975

Photographs--Pierce, Franklin. n.d.

Photographs--Pinchot, Gifford (1865-1946). n.d.

Photographs--Plantations. n.d.

Photographs--Plows. n.d.

Photographs--Polk, James K. n.d.

Photographs--Poultry. 1942-1943, n.d.

Photographs--Prescott, William H. n.d.

Photographs--Pusey, Philip. 1814

Photographs--Randolph, John. n.d.

Photographs--Rhinelander Sugar House, New York. n.d.

Photographs--Roads. 1911, n.d.

Photographs--Root cellar (tornado cellar). n.d.

Photographs--Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (with Claude Wickard, Henry A. Wallace, cotton farmer). n.d.

Photographs--Ruffin, Edmund (1794-1865). n.d.

Photographs--Rural Electrification Administration. n.d.

Photographs--Rusk, Jeremiah McLain. n.d.

Photographs--unidentified "S." n.d.

Photographs--St. John's Church, Richmond, Virginia. n.d.

Photographs--Salisbury, Glenn Wade. n.d.

Photographs--Salisbury, Glenn Wade (text). n.d.

Photographs--Secretaries of Agriculture, group photographs. n.d.

Photographs--Seward, William H. n.d.

Photographs--Shadwell Estate, Shadwell, Virginia. 1941-1947, n.d.

Photographs--Shaw, George Bernard. n.d.

Photographs--Sheep. 1939-1941, n.d.

Photographs--Sherman, Franklin, Jr. (1877-1947) n.d.

Photographs--Silos. 1941

Photographs--Sinclair, Sir John, Baronet (1754-1835). 1896

Photographs--Sod houses. n.d.

Photographs--Stables (and law office, Monticello). n.d.

Photographs--Stagecoaches. 1875, 1914, n.d.

Photographs--Stenley, Louise. n.d.

Photographs--Statistical Reporting Service. n.d.

Photographs--Stiebeling, Hazel. n.d.

Photographs--Stone buildings. n.d.

Photographs--Stove (tin). ca. 1806

Photographs--Stratford Hall, Virginia (Robert E. Lee birthplace). 1932, n.d.

Photographs--Strip cropping. 1964

Photographs--Sugar. n.d.

Photographs--Swine. n.d.

Photographs--unidentified "T." n.d.

Photographs--Tabor, Louis J. (1878-1960) n.d.

Photographs--Taylor, Zachary. n.d.

Photographs--Tenant houses. 1940

Photographs--Tenny, Lloyd (Chief of BAE and group photographs). 1922

Photographs--Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. 1923, 1936, n.d.

Photographs--Thomas, Walter I. n.d.

Photographs--Thompson, Robert. n.d.

Photographs--Tobacco. n.d.

Photographs--Tolley, Howard R. n.d.

Photographs--Tomato harvester. 1959-1964

Photographs--Tornadoes. 1929

Photographs--Trains. 1973, n.d.

Photographs--True, Alfred Charles. n.d.

Photographs--Trullinger, Robert W. n.d.

Photographs--Truman, Harry S. 1947

Photographs--Tugwell, Rexford G., n.d.

Photographs--Tyler, John. n.d.

Box 7.1/8

Photos from Class File, Series II heading "Photographs"

Photographs--University of Virginia. 1927. n.d.

Photographs--USDA, Department Activities. n.d.

Photographs--USDA, Officers of the Chorus. 1964

Photographs--USDA regional buildings. n.d.

Photographs--Van Buren, Martin. n.d.

Photographs--Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station. 1946-1986

Photographs--Wadsworth [?]. n.d.

Photographs--Wagons. 1872-1927, n.d.

Photographs--Wakefield, George Washington home. 1932

Photographs--Wallace, Henry (Uncle Henry) (1836-1916). n.d.

Photographs--Wallace, Henry A. n.d.

Photographs--Wallace, Henry A. and Paul H. Appleby. ca. 1935

Photographs--Wallace, Henry A. and associates. 1939

Photographs--Wallace, Henry A. and associates. 1961

Photographs--Wallace, Henry A. and Pioneer Hi-Bred corn (slides). 1913-ca. 1950

Photographs--Wallace, Henry A. and Rexford G. Tugwell. 1933

Photographs--Wallace, Henry A., childhood and family photos. 1888-1948

Photographs--Wallace, Henry Cantwell. n.d.

Photographs--Water conversion plants. n.d.

Photographs--Water wheels. n.d.

Photographs--Watson, Elkanah, monument, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. 1940

Photographs--Watts, Frederick. n.d.

Photographs--Waugh, Frederick V. n.d.

Photographs--Weather Bureau Station. n.d.

Photographs--Webster, Daniel. n.d.

Photographs--Wells. n.d.

Photographs--Wells, Oris Vernon. n.d.

Photographs--Wheat (fields; Lenders Bagel). 1941, 1968, n.d.

Photographs--Whitney, E. A. n.d.

Photographs--Wickard, Claude Raymond. 1940, n.d.

Photographs--Williamsburg, Virginia. 1936, n.d.

Photographs--Wilson, Evan. n.d.

Photographs--Wilson, James (1836-1920). 1897, n.d.

Photographs--Wilson, Milburn L. 1941, n.d.

Photographs--Wilson, Milburn L., conference in Paris [?] n.d.

Photographs--Windmills. 1934, n.d.

Photographs--Wood implements. n.d.

Photographs--Workmen, Arlington Experiment Farm. 1910

Photographs--Yeutter, Clayton. 1989

Photographs--Young, Arthur (1741-1820). 1893, 1938

Box 7.1/9

Photos from Class File, Series II heading "Photographs" (text files)

Photographs--Hard-to-find. 1985

Photographs--Indexes. 1933

Photographs--Past indexes. 1942-1967, n.d.

Photographs--Smithsonian, Annotated list. 1968

Photographs--USDA Commissioners and Secretaries, list of negative numbers. 1991

Photographs--USDA films, catalogs. 1968-1985

Photographs--USDA photos, index guide. ca. 1940-1970, n.d.

Photos from Class File, Series II, continued

Rasmussen, Wayne D., biographical. 1960-1983, n.d.

Rasmussen, Wayne D., "The Farmer Speaks..." 1970

Salmon, D. E. 1905

Schmidt, Louis Bernard. n.d.

Soil erosion. n.d.

Taylor, Henry C., photographs. 1922-1938

USDA Bureau of Dairy Industry. n.d.

USDA centennial. 1961

Wilson, James (Tama Jim). 1887-1991, n.d.

Women in farming. 1927-1975

Woodward, Carl R. 1957

Photos from Newsletters, Series VI.1

USDA News, production files, vol. 43 no. 1-12. 1984

USDA News, production files, vol. 43 no. 13-21. 1984

Photos from Personal Papers, Series XI

Rasmussen, Wayne D., papers, Agricultural History group staff. ca. 1963

Rasmussen, Wayne D., papers, Agricultural laws (negatives). ca. 1862

Rasmussen, Wayne D., papers, Extension Service, Montana. ca. 1930-1986

Rasmussen, Wayne D., papers, Extension Service, Nebraska. 1987

Rasmussen, Wayne D., papers, Extension Service, New Jersey. ca. 1900-1925

Rasmussen, Wayne D., papers, Farmers in Virginia, West Virginia, Missouri. 1940 and n.d.

Rasmussen, Wayne D., papers, Travel, Iran. 1976

Top of Page

Series VII, subseries 2.  Emerson Brooks photographs [preliminary list] | Scope and Content Note

Box 7.2/1


Aerial views (unidentified)

Agricultural Research Service employees

Agriculture, U.S.

Alabama (livestock, boll weevil monument, etc.)


Alaska (text)

American Gothic (Grant Wood)

Anthony, Susan B.


Barbed wire

Boone, Daniel (paintings/portraits, DB's rifle, negatives)

Bridger, Jim

Bryan, William Jennings

Cabot, John

California (farm machinery, farm life, etc.)

Carver, George Washington (portraits, negative)

Cattle, cowboys (Texas, Kansas, Wyoming)

Champlain, Samuel de

Chapman, John (Johnny Appleseed [impersonator])

Children (unid.)

Churches (unid.)

Cody, William

Colorado (dust storm)

Columbus, Christopher


Cotton (growth, processing, machinery)

Cotton (text--caption)

Cotton (Soviet Union, Collective farm)

Cranberries (growth, processing, New Jersey)

Curtis country school

Custer, George Armstrong

Dinosaurs (skeletons, negatives)

Early American life (slides)


Farm life, contemporary (Iowa?)


Farm tools (charts, drawings, negatives)

Farm tools (text--notes)

Florida (migrant life, various agricultural enterprises)


Ford, Henry (portraits & Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Michigan)

Forests, U.S. (charts)

Fort McKenzie (?)

4-H Clubs

Georgia (Atlanta, Soil Conservation Service)

Germany (machinery, livestock, farm life, ca. 1940?)

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (litho circa 1828)

Hickock, James B. "Wild Bill"

Highways of History

Highways of History, text

History group staff (Rasmussen, Baker, Wiser, Cavin, Waugh, Stine)

Howe, Elias

Idaho (sheep, lumber)

Illinois (Illinois Central Railroad, corn picker)

Indiana (Lincoln Pioneer Village, rural mail carrier, negative)

Iowa (Little Brown Church, Nashua)

Iowa (text pertaining to Little Brown Church)

Box 7.2/2

Kansas (grocery stores, Santa Fe railway, sod house, Old Fort Hays, curing buffalo hides)

Kentucky (livestock, coal mining, construction, Cumberland Gap, Mammoth Cave, tobacco, Fort Knox, Ag. Experiment Station, Lincoln's birthplace, recreation).

Knights of Labor (photo of founders; negative)

Labor, Department of (Great Battle of Homestead, departmental anniversary)

LaFayette, Marquis de

Leonardo da Vinci, (self-portrait)

Lewis, John L.

Lincoln, Abraham (portraits, including one with son Todd)

Livestock (horses, oxen, bull, mules)

Louisiana (Kisatchie National Forest, Battle of New Orleans, freighters at wharf)

Machinery (reaper, harvester, spinning wheel)

Machinery, Caterpillar Tractor (first tractor sold in Illinois by Caterpillar, other company photos).

Machinery, plows (includes photo of John Deere's first steel plow)

Maine (Acadia National Park, coastline, airplane, aerial photo of forest)

Maps & charts, U.S. (immigration, croplands, minerals, includes paper items; also slides of many of the same).

Maps & charts, U.S. (includes negatives for the above and others).


Maryland (BARC, eggs)

Massachusetts (Pioneer Village, Minuteman statue, Plymouth rock)

McGuffey (excerpt from Reader, exterior/interior of McGuffey house at

Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan; negative)

Medicine (nineteenth century depictions of doctors)

Medieval woodcuts (agricultural themes; negatives)

Michigan (Manistee National Forest)

Milk delivery

Minnesota (aerial shots of Minneapolis concentrating on city's milling district)

Miscellaneous negatives (unidentified)

Miscellaneous slides (USDA buildings, various agricultural)

Mississippi (Mississippi River, Memorial Day, cotton)

Mississippi (text -- background for Memorial Day)

Missouri (molasses making, cigar factory, Assiniboin chief)

Montana (Glacier National Park, negatives--bunk house, ranch)

Moonshiners (stills, Tennessee?)

Native Americans

Native Americans (text -- caption for above)

New Hampshire (buildings)

New Jersey (milk delivery)

New Mexico (Carlsbad Caverns, Native Americans, Mesa Verde National Park)

New York City (Penn Station, aerial views and negative)

New York state (includes photo of a painting of West Point)

North, the (unidentified)

North Carolina (tobacco, textile factory, Blue Ridge Parkway, buildings)

Ohio (court house, harbor yard)

Oklahoma (Seminole Capitol)

Oregon (salmon fishing)

Box 7.2/3

Patrons of Husbandry (photos of founders)

Pennsylvania (Turnpike, Pittsburgh, Gettysburg, oil well, town life)

Pennsylvania (slides of Penn State, Centennial Expo)


Population, U.S. (charts)

Portraits A-J (slides -- Thomas Jefferson, Henry Ford)

Portraits T-W (slides -- Jim Wilson, George Washington)

Prairie dogs

Public Roads, Bureau (related to Highways of History?)

Refrigeration (Harry L. Hussmann Refrigeration Company)

Rhode Island (Roger Williams)

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (signing TVA Act)

Roosevelt, Theodore (with Gifford Pinchot). 1907

Sears, Roebuck, & Co. (ads from catalogs, portrait of R.W. Sears and negatives)

Secretary of Agriculture, David Franklin Houston

Sorghum (Kentucky)

South Carolina (moonshining; statue of John C. Calhoun; ruins of Charleston 1865; cotton).

South Dakota (homestead)

South, general (town life, crops, buildings, farms)

South, historical (unidentified)

Stowe, Harriet Beecher


Tennessee (livestock, Civil War, tornado)

Tennessee Valley Authority (dam, erosion)

Terrain (depictions of terrain, international; includes portrait of Leonardo da Vinci)

Texas (Texas Rangers, oil gusher, cotton)

Texas (text, accompanies oil gusher photo)

Tobacco (includes negatives)

Transportation (steamboats, wagons, stagecoach, trains, automobiles, flat boats, paddle boats; includes negatives)

Transportation (slides)

Transportation (captions for some of above)


Turkeys (slides and negatives)

Twain, Mark, house, Hannibal, MO (exterior/interior)

United Mine Workers of America

USDA Buildings--Administration and South Buildings. ca. 1950

USDA Buildings--Aerial views, from Washington Monument. 1902-1915

USDA Buildings--Old Administration Building. 1868-1930

Vermont (maple sugar, 4-H Club, quarry, splitting wood, Morgan Horse Farm)

Vermont (text -- captions for some of above)

Vikings (Leif Ericson, replica of viking ship)

Virginia (buildings, crops, Monticello, Williamsburg)

Ware, Anne (U.S. agriculture)

Washington, D.C. (federal buildings, aerial views, Arlington Cemetery, city scenes; includes negatives)

Washington, George

Washington (state)

West Virginia

Whaling, "The Capture," (photo of painting "The Capture" and negative)

Whaling, "The Capture," (text about the painting)


Wheat, Russian

Whitman, Marcus (photo of bust)

Wilson, Woodrow (Wilson signing unspecified document; negative)


Top of Page

Box 7.2/4

Unidentified photos

[not i.d.'ed yet]


[Houses, Historic, etc.]

[Emerson Brooks photographs--addenda]

[EEE series--History of Agriculture]

Emerson Brooks text files (not directly related to specific photos or for photos not yet id'd)

AAA Automobiles

American Federation of Labor

Artists info

Bell, Alexander, Graham

Civil War -- McLean House

Custis-Lee Mansion

Equipment & tools

Farms & cropland



Lewis & Clark

Library of Congress





Miscellaneous clippings

Miscellaneous text


Notes 1500-1600

Notes 1600-1700

Notes 1700-1800

Notes 1800-1900


Pictorial Agriculture USA

Public Health Service

South, general

South, historical

Tennessee Valley Authority


Union Pacific Railroad

Box 7.2/5

Other photographs from the Emerson Brooks files.

Box 7.2/6

Slides, film strips and textual material from the Emerson Brooks files.

Series VII, subseries 3.  Other photographs found with the collection | Scope and Content Note

Box 7.3/1

Photo albums, photos from exhibitions mounted on foam-core board, portraits removed from glass frames, and other photographic materials found with the collection.

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