Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Home Economics
Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Home Economics
The Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics completed on June 30, 1948, its first quarter century of research on behalf of the Nation's homemakers.
In June 1923 the Secretary of Agriculture announced that "pursuant to provisions contained in the Agricultural Appropriations Act for the fiscal year 1924" the Office of Home Economics would become the Bureau of Home Economics on July 1, 1923. Eight leaders in home economics whom he had invited to help plan the organization of the new agency recommended the following divisions of work : Food and nutrition, clothing and textiles, economics (including household management), housing and equipment, home relations, art in the home. The research program of the Bureau today is concerned primarily with the first four of these fields.
In June 1923 the Secretary of Agriculture announced that "pursuant to provisions contained in the Agricultural Appropriations Act for the fiscal year 1924" the Office of Home Economics would become the Bureau of Home Economics on July 1, 1923. Eight leaders in home economics whom he had invited to help plan the organization of the new agency recommended the following divisions of work : Food and nutrition, clothing and textiles, economics (including household management), housing and equipment, home relations, art in the home. The research program of the Bureau today is concerned primarily with the first four of these fields.