Browse Items: 6
Round-the-House Work Clothes
Four warm weather housedresses with wings in place of sleeves, and an apron so adjustable that it fits almost anyone, have been designed in clothing laboratories of the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics.
Like all of the Bureau's designs for women's work clothing, these models are functional — that is, scientifically planned to meet…
Like all of the Bureau's designs for women's work clothing, these models are functional — that is, scientifically planned to meet…
A Step-Saving U Kitchen
Maximum convenience for the homemaker at her work is the aim of this step-saving kitchen, planned primarily for the farm home. It was designed in housing and household equipment laboratories of the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics.
Basic plan. The unbroken U shape was chosen for arranging equipment because it forms a compact dead…
Basic plan. The unbroken U shape was chosen for arranging equipment because it forms a compact dead…
Farm Family Living Outlook for 1938
The clothing budget deserves especially careful consideration this coming year. The homemaker will have to use skill to balance her purchases of garments for which prices are lower against purchases of those for which prices have increased.
Cotton yard goods, sheets, and pillowcases probably will…
The clothing budget deserves especially careful consideration this coming year. The homemaker will have to use skill to balance her purchases of garments for which prices are lower against purchases of those for which prices have increased.
Cotton yard goods, sheets, and pillowcases probably will…
How To Choose and Use Your Refrigerator
When you buy a refrigerator — whether it is run by electricity, gas, or kerosene or cooled with ice — you'll want to be sure you are getting one that will hold safe refrigerating temperatures, operate efficiently, and last for many years. You'll want also to consider the features that make a refrigerator easy to use and adaptable to the special…
Posture in Housework
Using your body correctly helps you to get your work done more efficiently. Industrial engineers and others have found this to be true in the factory as well as in the home.
Good posture in housework will help you to —
1. Eliminate fatigue.
2. Improve your looks.
3. Get rid of nervous tensions and irritability.
You can attain good…
Good posture in housework will help you to —
1. Eliminate fatigue.
2. Improve your looks.
3. Get rid of nervous tensions and irritability.
You can attain good…
A Step-Saving U Kitchen
Maximum convenience for the homemaker at her work is the aim of this step-saving kitchen, planned primarily for the farm home. It was designed in housing and household equipment laboratories of the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics.
Basic plan, — The unbroken U shape was chosen for arranging equipment because it forms a compact…
Basic plan, — The unbroken U shape was chosen for arranging equipment because it forms a compact…