Browse Items: 3
A Guide for Planning and Equipping School Lunchrooms
This publication is designed to serve as a guide for State school lunch agencies and others concerned with the planning and equipping of new school lunchrooms or the remodeling of existing facilities.
Work in this field was undertaken by the U. S. Department of Agriculture upon the recommendation of a representative group of State School Lunch…
Work in this field was undertaken by the U. S. Department of Agriculture upon the recommendation of a representative group of State School Lunch…
Layout, Equipment, and Work Methods for School Lunch Kitchens and Serving Lines
A study of six lunch operations in Ohio indicates that a thorough job of planning new kitchen facilities will pay off throughout the life of the facility in terms of reduced labor requirements. Best results are achieved in schools where the local administration draws the kitchen manager into the planning process, obtains new ideas from visits to…
Storage For School Lunch Food and Supplies
Well-planned storage for food and supplies makes for efficient and economical school lunch operation. Proper storage of food helps to protect the health of the children who eat lunches at school, to conserve food values, and to prevent waste. Furthermore, storage facilities that are well-planned in relation to work centers save time and energy of…