Browse Items: 137
The Home Demonstration Agent
The history of the cooperative Extension Service is a story of growth in rural America-- a growth of the soil and the people who till the soil. Its over-all goal has always been to help rural people live better. To do this, it must take to these families not only the science of agriculture but that of homemaking as well.
This publication tells…
This publication tells…
Help Feed Yourself: Make Back Yards and Vacant Lots Productive
Don't let your land loaf. Keep it working in all seasons. Don't assume that the season is too far advanced to begin garden operations. Some vegetables may be planted practically any time past the middle of the summer.
Start new crops between the rows of others that are soon to be removed.
Begin over again in late summer and plant vegetables…
Start new crops between the rows of others that are soon to be removed.
Begin over again in late summer and plant vegetables…
The Man Behind the Plow is the Man Behind the Gun
You are asked to undertake another offensive-- to go "over the top" this fall for a great harvest of wheat in 1919. I need give only a few figures and facts to impress you with the increasing and urgent need of our people, our armies, the allied peoples and their armies for large supplies of American wheat.
How to Choose and Use Your Refrigerator
When you buy a refrigerator-- whether it runs by electricity, gas, or kerosene or cooled with ice-- you'll want to be sure you are getting one that will hold safe refrigerating temperatures, operate efficiently, and last for many years. You'll want also to consider the features that make a refrigerator easy to use and adaptable to the special needs…
The Facts about Home Food Preservation in 1945
Home canners in the coming season face the challenge of at least matching their efforts in 1944, when they accounted for nearly half of the total civilian supply of canned vegetables and two-thirds of the canned fruits available to civilians. Nearly 25 million households put up an estimated 3,400,000 quarts of home preserved food.
Ways to Stretch Sugar Rations in Jellies, Jams, Preserves
Homemakers who decide to use wartime sugar rations to make jellies, jams, and preserves will find it possible to stretch the sugar used, to some extent, but should not expect or try to cut down sugar in these products as much as in home-canned fruit.
The sugar in jellies, jams, and preserves is not only for sweetening, it also helps to preserve…
The sugar in jellies, jams, and preserves is not only for sweetening, it also helps to preserve…
Sugar During World War II: War Records Monograph-3
Sugar was in shorter supply than most other foods in the United States throughout nearly all of World War II. It was the first food to be rationed after the outbreak of war and the only one not removed from ration control before 1946. The shortage of sugar existed in varying degrees in most of the United Nations and was generally more serious for…
Community Canning Centers
Canning methods are in principle the same in a canning center as in home canning, but the problems that arise where wholesale qualities of food are handled are more like those of a canning factory. Many small centers operate successfully with home-size equipment or home-made devices, but the larger scale of operations the greater the need for the…
Shopper's Guide
A smart shopper buys the right product for the best price, and this 1974 Yearbook of Agriculture is designed to help the shopper do just that.
Fish in the Forest: Large Woody Debris in Streams: A New Management Approach to fish Habitat
All five species of Pacific salmon (Chinook, coho, sockeye, pink, and chum), steelhead and cutthroat trout, and Dolly Varden char occur in the freshwater streams of southeast Alaska.
The Food of the Alaska Fur Seal
In response to many inquires we have prepared a summery of current information of the food of the fur seal, Collorhinus ursinus (L.). For the most part, this information is taken from published accounts of naturalists who have studied the fur seal in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during the past fifty years (see bibliography).
Preservation of Vegetables by Salting or Brining
First tighten tops having screw caps and rubber rings, then turn back a quarter turn. Put the jars in a kettle of hot water. The water should be deep enough to cover the tops.
A Step-saving U Kitchen
Maximum convenience for the homemaker at her work is the aim of this step-saving kitchen, planned primarily for the farm house. It was designed in housing and household equipment laboratories of the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics
That We May Eat
"USDA began recommending pressure processing for non-acid or low-acid vegetables to homemakers in the early 1920's. However, water-bath processes continued to be widely used until after World War II."
USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning, 2015 revision
Canning can be a safe and economical way to preserve quality food at home. Disregarding the value of your labor, canning homegrown food may save you half the cost of buying commercially canned food. Canning favorite and special products to be enjoyed by family and friends is a fulfilling experience and a source of pride for many people.
The Book for All Households
The art of Appertizing, or preserving food sterilized by heat in a hermetically sealed container, was conceived a little more than a hundred years ago as a war measure to provision the French forces upon the sea. It played a most important part in provisioning the armies in the recent war and in providing succor for the millions of starving…
Kerr Home Canning Book
In view of the nation-wide program to increase and conserve the country’s agricultural products, HOME CANNING takes on a new importance. Planned food conservation for year around nutritious meals is a patriotic duty. Fruits, vegetables, and meats are the best and most economical source of important food essentials — vitamins and minerals — AND home…
Bacteria, Yeasts, and Molds in the Home
The rapidly growing interest in home economics is causing this subject slowly to assume the aspect of an exact science. At the present time it is becoming necessary for those expecting to become housewives to understand at least the elementary phases of a number of sciences, most prominent among which are chemistry and bacteriology. The relation of…
The Home Demonstration Agent
The Home Demonstration Agent's Objectives
To give to rural people, in a form in which they can use it at a time when they need it, information that will enable them to become better citizens in a democracy.
To give to rural people, in a form in which they can use it at a time when they need it, information that will enable them to become better citizens in a democracy.
Jobs For the Day After Canning
Every homemaker who cans the products of her Victory garden would like to stop short and call it a day when the last Jar is out of the water-bath or pressure canner. But the kitchen has to be cleaned up. At the end of any day's canning, of course you have to wash up all the tools, bowls, sieves, pans, towels and other snail equipment you used in…
Canning and Brining Beans
In many Victory Gardens the pole and "bush snap beans are almost ready to gather for eating fresh or saving for next winter. Some will be canned others salted. Part of the crop may go into freezer- locker storage. Second plantings will he in order, too, for there's no vegetable more popular with many families.
Canning specialists of the U.S.…
Canning specialists of the U.S.…
The 1944 Canning Picture
Oven canning is dangerous for more than one reason. Harmful bacteria may hot be completely destroyed. Also jars may explode and cause a great deal of damage. Open kettle canning is not reliable, either. Canning specialists sum up good canning principles with these seven simple rules for success:
Can only fresh food, in tip-top condition. Have…
Can only fresh food, in tip-top condition. Have…
Bibliograph on War Gardens
Every family in the United States with a yard can help solve the world problem of food. Vacant lots, too, can be used. Even the smallest kind of a garden is a help.
The labor situation is such that many market gardeners will be compelled to cut down their production the coming season and there may be a scarcity of vegetables in many markets…
The labor situation is such that many market gardeners will be compelled to cut down their production the coming season and there may be a scarcity of vegetables in many markets…
Canning Tomatoes at Home and in Club Work
The canning of tomatoes has in recent years grown to be an important commercial industry. In the census year of 1909 there were 12,800,000 cases of 12 cans each packed in the United States. This immense pack exceeded the combined aggregate of any three other vegetables and was an increase of 37 per cent over the pack of 1904. It must be borne in…