Peanut Growing for Profit




Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library


PEANUTS have become one of the best money crops for use in rotation with cotton and other farm crops in the fight against the boll weevil. Until recently peanuts were grown in the greater part of the Gulf coast region primarily for stock feeding, but now they are of commercial importance in no less than 12 Southern States.

Good seed, proper preparation of the soil, frequent cultivation of the crop, proper harvesting and curing, and grading the product according to standard grades are the main essentials to the realization of a profit from peanuts. Most failures have been due to the neglect of one or more of the above essentials. Many losses have resulted from the practice of wind-rowing the peanut vines for curing instead of stacking them around small poles.

Peanuts are in increasing demand for oil manufacture and for making many other peanut products. It is always safe for the Southern farmer to grow peanuts, as every part of the crop can be used to advantage for feeding on the farm in case the market does not justify their sale. A closer working relation between growers and dealers is desirable, and the establishment of standard grades will do much toward stabilizing the industry.


Peanut Growing for Profit