Browse Items: 2

Corn Culture in the Southeastern States

Corn Culture in the Southeastern States 1.jpg
The recommendations and suggestions made in this bulletin apply firstly to the cotton-growing sections of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama.

Drainage and coarse stable manure should be used to prevent the irregular patches in the field in which little or no corn grows.

More of the rainfall is retained when the land…

Growing Corn in the Southeastern States

Growing Corn in the Southeastern States Cover.jpg
In the southeastern states larger yields of corn will be produced at less cost by giving greater attention to the following factors:

(1) Drainage and humus.

(2) Deep preparation of the land.

(3) Judicious use of commercial fertilizers.

(4) Special corn machinery.

(5) Adjustment of the cultural method to meet the special requirements…