Browse Items: 11

Peanut and Peanut Butter Recipes

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When every food penny has to count, it pays to explore new ways of using such plentiful foods as peanuts and peanut butter in low-cost, nourishing dishes.Peanuts belong to the pea-and-bean family: the legumes — they aren't really nuts at all. But like nuts, they're always popular in salads and sandwiches, cookies, and desserts — as well as just…

Sweet Potato Recipes

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The following are sweet potato recipes tested in the laboratories of the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics, They are for six servings:


Wash and dry sweet potatoes of uniform size. Bake in a hot oven (42.5° F.) 40 to 60 minutes or until tender. If you want the skin to be soft, rub a little fat on…

Sweet Potatoes

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The delicate flavor of a sweet potato is lost if it is not cooked properly. Steaming develops and preserves the flavor better than boiling, and baking better than steaming.

A sweet potato cooked quickly is not well cooked. Time is an essential element. Twenty minutes may serve to bake a sweet potato so that a hungry…

Dry Beans, Peas, Lentils: Modern Cookery

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Most cooks are old friends with some particular kind of dry bean or pea, or with the lentil. They like to cook and season it some favorite way.

But in markets today you may find wide variety to choose from: Kidney beans . . . limas . . . Great Northerns . . . pintos . . . pea beans . . . split and whole peas . . . lentils . . . others perhaps.…

Dietary Studies With Reference to the Food of the Negro in Alabama in 1895 and 1896

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The purpose of this bulletin is to give an account of studies of the food and nutrition of negroes in the neighborhood of Tuskegee, Ala. The investigation was made during the spring of 1895 and the winter of 1895-96, with the cooperation of the Normal and Agricultural Institute at Tuskegee and of the Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical College at…

Favorite Southern Recipes

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Two cups of milk, two tablespoonsful of flour, two tablespoonsful of butter. Scald milk, melt the butter, stir the flour in the melted butter ; do not cook. Gradually add part of hot milk, stirring well ; add remainder of milk, cook over hot water. This sauce may be used as the foundation of soups. — Mrs. A. Johnson, Lyons,…

Attractive Ways of Using Tomatoes

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The following have been selected from the many possible recipes for using tomatoes as adapted particularly to the utilization of the tomato pulp left after extracting the seed. It is intended to accompany circular letter XS-36, on "Method of Saving Wilt Resistant Tomato Seed".

How the Farmer Can Save His Sweet Potatoes and Ways of Preparing It for the Table

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There are but few if any of our staple farm crops, receiving more attention than the sweet potato, and indeed rightfully so. The splendid service it rendered during the great World War in the saving of wheat flour, will not soon be forgotten. The 99 different and attractive products (to date) made from it, are sufficient to convince the most…

Three Delicous [sic] Meals Every Day for the Farmer

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As we learn more about ourselves and the relation of food to our well being, we cannot but agree with those who have made it a study that ‘the prosperity of the nation depends upon the health and morals of its citizens, and the health and morals of a people depend mainly upon the food they eat, and the homes in which they live.’

As a rule, we…

How to Grow the Peanut: And 105 Ways of Preparing It for Human Consumption

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Of all the money crops grown by Macon County farmers, perhaps there are none more promising than the peanut in its several varieties and their almost limitless possibilities.

Of the many good things in their favor, the following stand out as most prominent:

1. Like all other members of the pod-bearing family, they enrich the soil.

2. They…

How to Cook Cow Peas

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Since the publication of this bulletin the applications for it have steadily increased until the output of 1,500 has been exhausted and the demand unsupplied; and with this apology it was thought wise to republish it.

The popularity of the cow pea is increasing from every point of view from year to year. Someone has wisely said that as a crop,…