Browse Items: 5

Effects of anticoccidial and antibiotic growth promoter programs on broiler performance and immune status

Effects of anticoccidial and antibiotic growth promoter programs on broiler performance and immune status.jpg
This study investigated the effects of various coccidiosis control programs in combination with antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) on growth performance and host immune responses in broiler chickens. The coccidiosis programs that were investigated included in ovo coccidiosis vaccination (CVAC) with Inovocox or in-feed medication with diclazuril as…

Butyrate enhances disease resistance of chickens by inducing antimicrobial host defense peptide gene expression

Butyrate enhances disease resistance of chickens by inducing antimicrobial host defense peptide gene expression.jpg
Host defense peptides (HDPs) constitute a large group of natural broad-spectrum antimicrobials and an important first line of immunity in virtually all forms of life. Specific augmentation of synthesis of endogenous HDPs may represent a promising antibiotic-alternative approach to disease control. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that…

Bacillus subtilis-based direct-fed microbials augment macrophage function in broiler chickens

Bacillus subtilis-based direct-fed microbials augment macrophage function in broiler chickens.jpg
The present study was conducted to evaluate the function of Bacillus subtilis-based direct-fed microbials (DFMs) on macrophage functions, i.e., nitric oxide (NO) production and phagocytosis in broiler chickens. DFMs used in this study were eight single strains designated as Bs2084, LSSAO1, 3AP4, Bs18, 15AP4, 22CP1, Bs27, and Bs278, and one multiple…

Effects of in ovo vaccination and anticoccidials on the distribution of Eimeria spp. in poultry litter and serum antibody titers against coccidia in broiler chickens raised on the used litters

Effects of in ovo vaccination and anticoccidials on the distribution of Eimeria spp. in poultry litter and serum antibody titers against coccidia in broiler chickens raised on the used litters.jpg
The present study reports the effects of various field anticoccidial programs on the distribution of Eimeria spp. in poultry litter and serum antibody titers against coccidia in broiler chickens raised on the used litters. The programs included in ovo vaccination and various medications with either chemicals, ionophores, or both. In general, serum…

Analysis of global transcriptional responses of chicken following primary and secondary Eimeria acervulina infections

Analysis of global transcriptional responses of chicken following primary and secondary Eimeria acervulina infections.jpg
Characterization of host transcriptional responses during coccidia infections can provide new clues for the development of alternative disease control strategies against these complex protozoan pathogens. Methods: In the current study, we compared chicken duodenal transcriptome profiles following primary and secondary infections with Eimeria…