Browse Items: 13
Fundamentals in Poultry Breeding
The breeding of poultry to high standards of productiveness and beauty is one of the most fascinating pursuits in which people of creative instincts and cultivated taste can engage. It is also the line of such work open to the greatest number of people.
In the nature of the case the work of systematic improvement of nearly all our domestic…
In the nature of the case the work of systematic improvement of nearly all our domestic…
Poultry-Craft: A Textbook for Poultry Keepers. What To Do. How To Do It. Completely Indexed for the Convenience of Busy People
For those who want to know about poultry keepings for those who wish to learn poultry keeping and for poultry keepers who cannot always remember things they know at the moment they happen to need them, this book was written: to the small army of writers of permanent and current poultry literature nearly every one of whom has in some way contributed…
Poultry-Craft: A Textbook for Poultry Keepers. What To Do. How To Do It. Completely Indexed for the Convenience of Busy People. Sixth Edition
For those who want to know about poultry keeping, for those who wish to learn poultry keeping, aid for poultry keepers who cannot always remember things they know at the moment they happen to need them, this book was written: to the small army of writers of permanent and current poultry literature, nearly every one of whom has in some way…
How to Feed Poultry for Any Purpose With Profit
The aim of this book is to give a working knowledge of the whole subject of poultry feeds and feeding. The conditions of modern life, and the economic developments in poultry culture, and in other interests directly or indirectly related to it, make some acquaintance with the scientific side of the subject essential. A generation ago, under what we…
First Lessons in Poultry Keeping: First Year Course
Before taking up the regular work of this course every reader who intends to follow it through the year should consider carefully a few propositions about poultry keeping. These may not be in accordance with some ideas about it which he has absorbed, he knows not where; but if he is to get much benefit from these lessons he must accept them, at…
Broilers and Roasters : The Specialties of the Market Poultryman
Why Only Broilers and Roasters are Considered.
This book will treat especially, and almost exclusively, of broilers and roasters because these are the two classes of market poultry in which one making a specialty of growing poultry (chickens) for market is interested. It might be said that broilers and roasters are the only chickens grown for…
This book will treat especially, and almost exclusively, of broilers and roasters because these are the two classes of market poultry in which one making a specialty of growing poultry (chickens) for market is interested. It might be said that broilers and roasters are the only chickens grown for…
Our Domestic Birds: A Popular Primer of Aviculture
"Our Domestic Birds" is a book for children too young to read books written for adults, and for older people too busy to read more technical works for the information of general interest which they contain. Its purpose is to teach the things that everyone ought to know about domestic birds. It is a book about these birds and their relations to man,…
First Lessons in Poultry Keeping
This series originally appeared in Farm-Poultry serially in 1905-06. The third year course series is now running in that paper.
Основы и практической работы в разведение домашней птицы
Метод лечения в этой книге в простой, научный метод, - представления основных фактов в логическом порядке. В этот метод привел к некоторые отступления от обычного способа представления птицы темы. единства птицы группы является здесь задумана в качестве основного, и, вытекающие из характера птиц, а не в качестве искусственного и в связи с целями,…
The Common-Sense Poultry Doctor
Of books and booklets on poultry diseases there are in the English language possibly a score — not including pamphlets or circulars distributed to advertise remedies. Besides, nearly every general work on poultry contains a chapter on poultry diseases.
Of works on poultry diseases a goodly proportion are by men who may be considered specialists,…
Of works on poultry diseases a goodly proportion are by men who may be considered specialists,…
Poultry-Craft: A Textbook for Poultry Keepers. What To Do. How To Do It. Completely Indexed for the Convenience of Busy People
For those who want to know about poultry keeping, for those who wish to learn poultry keeping, and for poultry keepers who cannot always remember things they know at the moment they happen to need them, this book was written: to the small army of writers of permanent and current poultry literature, nearly every one of whom has in some way…
Principles and Practice of Poultry Culture
The method of treatment adopted in this book is the simple, scientific method, — that of presenting essential facts in logical order. The following of this method has led to some departures from the conventional way of presenting poultry topics. The unity of the poultry group is here conceived as essential and arising from the nature of the birds,…
Standard Poultry for Exhibition
A Complete Manual of the Methods of Expert Exhibitors on Growing, Selecting, Conditioning, Training and Showing Poultry--Fully Describing Fitting Processes and Exposing Faking Practices--Briefly Explaining Judging for the Amateur and Furnishing The Student of Judging an Exhaustive Analysis of the History, Philosophy and Merits of Comparison and…