Browse Items: 5
Poultry experiments in 1900 and 1901
This Bulletin contains an account of experiments in fattening chickens for market, the incubation of eggs stored under different conditions, the relation of mating to fertility of eggs, and breeding for egg production, including the egg record of the breeding pens for 1899, 1900 and 1901.
The Poultry Yard: How To Furnish And Manage It. A Treatise For The Amateur Poultry Breeder And Farmer On The Management of Poultry And The Merits of The Different Breeds
In presenting this edition of the Poultry Yard to our patrons and readers we have endeavored to make a number of valuable additions, especially in the art of caponizing, which is becoming so popular in this country. We have endeavored to discard theory, and present facts derived from the experience of those thoroughly posted. We lay no claims to…
Success With Poultry: A Book on Successful and Profitable Poultry Raising, Containing Valuable Information for Persons Who Think of Engaging in Any Branch of The Poultry Business for Profit
This book is to be compiled in dead earnest. Poultry keeping may be a fad with a limited few but in a vast majority of cases it is a serious matter, a question of bread and butter, of a livelihood, and any book writ-ten or compiled on the subject of Success with Poultry should view the poultry business in this light. We shall not put into this book…
Poultry Architecture: A Practical Guide for Construction of Poultry Houses, Coops and Yards
The aim of this book is to give designs of sufficient variety to suit conditions everywhere. Few requests come more often to the office of a poultry editor than those asking designs and directions for some part of a poultry plant. The number and variety of such requirements is surprising.
On the other hand, the very diversity of conditions…
On the other hand, the very diversity of conditions…
Poultry Appliances & Handicraft: How to Make & Use Labor-Saving Devices. With Descriptive Plans for Food & Water Supply, Building & Miscellaneous Needs. Also Treats on Artificial Incubation & Brooding
About one hundred and fifty handy devices are explained and illustrated in this little book. These have been selected for superior merit from a much larger number available. Here skilled poultry keepers from all parts of the country have detailed the favorite short-cuts that have saved them most loss and trouble. Many new ideas have been added,…