Browse Items: 10
Poultry Houses and Fixtures
Poultry houses and fixtures are among the first considerations of a person about to begin breeding poultry. If the buildings are commenced in a haphazard kind of a way disappointments and loss of time are bound to ensue. It will, therefore, be the endeavor in this book to assist the breeder in avoiding the difficulties which arise with a first…
Poultry-Keeping For Pleasure & Profit: What To Do, And How To Do It
I have frequently been asked to give my opinion on poultry-rearing in Great Britain as a means of counteracting, at all events to some extent, our imports. The sum annually paid out of England for poultry and eggs is L8,000,000. In venturing to respond to the invitation thus addressed to me by many who have noticed my successes as an exhibitor of a…
The Chick Book. From the Breeding Pen to the Shell to Maturity: Contains All the Experience of the World's Leading Poultrymen and All the Latest and Most Trustworthy Information About Hatching, Rearing, Fattening and Marketing Chickens......
The poultryman's profit depends in a great measure upon his success in rearing the chicks. Success is attained only by intelligent use of correct methods. If the incubation, growth and development of the chick are not attended by such conditions as produce and maintain the good health necessary for building a vigorous body and strong constitution,…
Chickens and How to Raise Them: All About Chickens, How to Hatch, House, Feed and Fatten Them and Cure Their Diseases
In the following pages the author deals in a systematic and thorough way with the subjects of natural and artificial incubation, and the rearing of chickens. He commences with a chapter on Nature's method of incubation, then fully describes the wonderful structure of an egg, following with chapters on the development of the embryo, the importance…
A Chance for the Hen in Northern New England. A Presentation of Testimony Showing What Has Been Done, As Well As What Can Be Done, In the Poultry Industry in Massachusetts and New Hampshire
What the Poultry Industry in Massachusetts and New Hampshire Offers to Men and Women of Energy and Ability
The hen deserves a better chance in Northern New England. It may be a cantankerous creature and it is insistent on following its own ways and methods, but rightfully controlled and carefully manipulated, it offers splendid profit-making…
The hen deserves a better chance in Northern New England. It may be a cantankerous creature and it is insistent on following its own ways and methods, but rightfully controlled and carefully manipulated, it offers splendid profit-making…
Twentieth Century Poultry Culture
The series of articles from the pen of Rev. G. R. Smith is a faithful presentation of information and inspiration that deserves placing in a permanent volume. For many years Mr. Smith has been a leading contributor to the poultry magazines of the country. As the "Poultry Item" was his "first love" there is mutual honor in compiling this knowledge…
Western Poultry Book: Tells You What to Do and How to Do It. The Chicken Business From First to Last. With Questions and Answers Relative to Up-To-Date Poultry Culture
In the hope of helping beginners and Others of my friends in the poultry business, and in response to urgent requests for a book on poultry culture from my pen, I wrote a small volume a year ago. The whole edition was sold in a year, and on account of the interest taken in it and the demand for something more, I have re-written it and added…
How to Make Poultry Keeping Pay
Many times every year those who have done business with me from year to year have asked why I did not write a book telling how to make poultry as profitable as possible. I have always felt that I should wait to do this until I had learned more of the secrets of success with poultry, but I find that if I were to wait until I knew everything that…
The American Standard of Perfection
The American Poultry Association was organized at a meeting held in the city of Buffalo, New York, February 15, 1873. The attendance was composed principally of delegates from state and county associations, prominent breeders and fanciers from different parts of the United States and Canada, and other interested persons. The object was to formulate…
Maple Farm of Midlothian: Specialty Breeders of White Plymouth Rocks of Quality and Usefulness
When you buy a bird, eggs for hatching or Baby Chicks you want all that you pay for. We intend to give every purchaser of poultry from this farm a square deal and we guarantee to live up to the rules of our catalog at all times.
Don't ask us to break our rules; you should know before you entrust us with your confidence and money what you will…
Don't ask us to break our rules; you should know before you entrust us with your confidence and money what you will…