Browse Items: 13
$6.41 Per Hen Per Year: The Corning Egg-Book
"Here everything but an egg is a by-product."
These words of Edward Corning hold the secret of the great success of the Corning egg farm. That little farm, with its immense product of "fancy" eggs, is a capital illustration of the great possibilities of specialization when applied to poultry products. The great demand in large cities for a…
These words of Edward Corning hold the secret of the great success of the Corning egg farm. That little farm, with its immense product of "fancy" eggs, is a capital illustration of the great possibilities of specialization when applied to poultry products. The great demand in large cities for a…
Portrait of John Henry Robinson, Editor of Farm-Poultry
Portrait of John Henry Robinson, Editor of Farm-Poultry
Tags: poultry press
Poultry-Craft: A Textbook for Poultry Keepers. What To Do. How To Do It. Completely Indexed for the Convenience of Busy People. Sixth Edition
For those who want to know about poultry keeping, for those who wish to learn poultry keeping, aid for poultry keepers who cannot always remember things they know at the moment they happen to need them, this book was written: to the small army of writers of permanent and current poultry literature, nearly every one of whom has in some way…
"The Kellerstrass Way" of Raising Poultry
It has been my constant aim in writing this book to use common sense, and to give the public as much good practical information as I possibly could, and remember, that this book was written by a man who is out working with his chickens every day. It was not written by a man sitting at a desk in the office with a pencil, dreaming of what could be…
Up-To-Date Poultry Houses and Appliances
The contents of this book is a compilation of illustrations
with word descriptions by the Author and Editor of Poultry Success, such as are in actual and practical every day use by leading and successful poultry raisers, not only those who raise a few hundred birds each, but those whose annual output reaches into the thousands, the utility…
with word descriptions by the Author and Editor of Poultry Success, such as are in actual and practical every day use by leading and successful poultry raisers, not only those who raise a few hundred birds each, but those whose annual output reaches into the thousands, the utility…
Poultry Secrets Revealed
In this little book I shall talk to you, so far as possible, the same as I would do if you could drop into my office from time to time. I assume that you are a novice, a beginner, in poultry culture. Therefore if this book falls into the hands of an old breeder he will probably cry out that he finds very little that is new between its covers. Well,…
Poultry for Pleasure and Profit
The breeding of poultry presents a better opportunity to combine pleasure and profit than can be found in any other safe and sane occupation. It gives the business man something to divert his attention from the cares of large transactions; the shop worker finds in it a source of pleasant recreation, while it adds to the comforts of his home and…
Successful Incubation: A Working Manual for Large Hatching Plants
This little book gives our experiences in hatching conducted for about six years. It is the story of our investigations, how we have finally stumbled on to the right way to hatch chicks. It is hoped it will save many the heart-rending experiences we have gone through. When you once know how, it is simple enough to hatch chicks, but it is not always…
Side Line Poultry Keeping : "Two Dollars A Day From Poultry and Eggs"
This book is rewritten to meet the needs of those who wish to keep poultry as a side line. So far as the author knows it occupies a field peculiarly its own. Many books have been written about poultry keeping the past few years, and many articles have appeared in the papers on the subject, but the books and articles have been written either to give…
Standard-Bred Plymouth Rocks, Barred, White, Buff, Silver Penciled, Partridge and Columbian; Their Practical Qualities; How to Judge Them; How to Mate and Breed for Best Results
This breed book, devoted to the Plymouth Rocks, is the sixth edition of one of the most popular books on poultry ever printed. Realizing the wonderful improvement made in Standard Plymouth Rocks since the last edition was printed in 1906, the publishers deemed it advisable and necessary to produce an entirely new and greatly enlarged book in order…
Standard-Bred Leghorns: Brown, White, Buff, Black and Silver Duckwing. Their Origin and History and Practical Qualities. The Standard Requirements. How to Mate and Breed for Best Results.
This new breed book, devoted to the Leghorn race of domesticated poultry, is published at a time when thousands of poultry raisers are taking up the different varieties of Leghorns for the purpose of supplying the ever-increasing demand for white eggs — a demand not local, but extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast and from the Dominion…
Standard-Bred Orpingtons, Black, Buff and White
This breed book, devoted to the Orpington race of domesticated poultry, is the first and most complete of its kind published in America. England has produced many Standard-bred varieties of superior merit and surpassing beauty in the past, but we have no hesitation in stating that its newest production, the Orpington, is the most universally…
Standard-Bred Rhode Island Reds, Rose and Single Comb
If ever a breed has been blest by being pushed by a loyal lot of fanciers and breeders, it is the Rhode Island Red. These same breeders tell us the breed itself has won its own popularity and overcome almost insurmountable obstacles in the way of prejudice, etc., by its grand utility qualities.
American breeders have in the past originated and…
American breeders have in the past originated and…