Browse Items: 2

A Simple Trap Nest for Poultry

A Simple Trap Nest For Poultry 1915.jpg
A trap nest is a laying nest so arranged that after a hen enters it she is confined until released by the attendant. The trap nest shown in the accompanying illustrations is used with good results on the Government poultry farm and is quite similar to the nest used at the Connecticut State experiment station. It is very simple and may be built at a…

Common Sense Fowl Nutrition

Common Sense Fowl Nutrition.jpg
I've explained here, just what ten years' research has taught ;
Though 'tis simple, 'tis all scientific —
To gain it, many discouraging times I have fought.
(Follow) Twill make your hens more prolific.

Not only you can get a lot more of eggs —
Less labor, less fret, less toil :
Old hens in the molt, won't have those weak legs;…