Browse Items: 4
Artificial Incubating and Brooding
A person who is at all well informed will not dispute the claim that the poultry business in the United States is now an important national industry. As a matter of fact, it is one of the most important, not alone in this, but in every other civilized country, for poultry and eggs are much esteemed the world around as a highly nutritious and…
Seventh Annual Cataloge of Cyphers Incubator Company: Manufacturers of the Cyphers Non-Moisture, Self-Ventilating and Self-Regulating Incubators, The Improved Cyphers Brooders and A Full Line of Poultry Appliances, Also Dealers in Poultry Supplies
Up to six years ago, when the Cyphers was placed on the market, a non-moisture, self-ventilating incubator had never been heard of in America, or in any other country. The Cyphers, therefore, is the original and only genuine non-moisture and self-ventilating incubator. Other so-called non-moisture and self-ventilating incubators are either…
Third Annual Catalogue of the Cyphers Incubator Co
It will be perceptible to the most casual reader that any incubator that has built up in but two seasons a reputation such as the Cyphers now enjoys as a leader the world over, must have some points of merit over the old style machines which its competitors are manufacturing.
We will here endeavor to show in what way it excels; and further,…
We will here endeavor to show in what way it excels; and further,…
Incubation: A Working Manual For Large Hatching Plants
Artificial incubation of the eggs of domestic fowls has been practised from time immemorial in both Egypt and China.
In the United States probably more patents have been taken out on incubators than on any other kind of machinery, yet, taking the country over, there are enormous losses of fertile eggs which would have produced strong and…
In the United States probably more patents have been taken out on incubators than on any other kind of machinery, yet, taking the country over, there are enormous losses of fertile eggs which would have produced strong and…