Browse Items: 5
Chickens and Eggs: 2013 Summary
This file contains the monthly estimates of the number of layers on hand, rate of lay and egg production, potential layers by geographic regions, and chicken inventories and values by states.
United States Average Number of Layers Up 2 Percent: Layer numbers during 2013 averaged 346 million, up 2 percent from the year earlier. The…
United States Average Number of Layers Up 2 Percent: Layer numbers during 2013 averaged 346 million, up 2 percent from the year earlier. The…
Poultry-Craft: A Textbook for Poultry Keepers. What To Do. How To Do It. Completely Indexed for the Convenience of Busy People
For those who want to know about poultry keeping, for those who wish to learn poultry keeping, and for poultry keepers who cannot always remember things they know at the moment they happen to need them, this book was written: to the small army of writers of permanent and current poultry literature, nearly every one of whom has in some way…
Productive Poultry Husbandry: A Complete Text, Dealing With the Principles and Practices Involved in the Management of Poultry
The exceedingly large and ever-increasing demand for poultry and poultry products, at home and for export, has caused the poultry business to become so profitable, when conducted upon a scientific basis, that no breeder can afford to lack the latest knowledge of best methods in all its branches.
A number of poultry books have appeared during…
A number of poultry books have appeared during…
Profitable Poultry: Berry’s Golden Rule Poultry Farm
MY DEAR FRIEND: — Now I am going to write a pretty long introduction; but I want to know all the people who have sent for this book and I want you all to know me WELL. Know me well enough to have confidence in me that I will do just what I say I will and give you a good square deal. So I want you to read this through.
The old saying, "Nothing…
The old saying, "Nothing…
Principles and Practice of Poultry Culture
The method of treatment adopted in this book is the simple, scientific method, — that of presenting essential facts in logical order. The following of this method has led to some departures from the conventional way of presenting poultry topics. The unity of the poultry group is here conceived as essential and arising from the nature of the birds,…