Selling Honey at Roadsides
Selling Honey at Roadsides
How Tons of Honey Can Be Sold At Good Prices At Little Expense
Gleanings in Bee Culture, Volume 49
pp. 557-559
Something distinctive about the sign and the lawn will not only aid in causing the motorist to stop, but will also be a big help in bringing them back again. It is much easier for him to remember your place if there is something distinctive about it; he is much more apt to think of your honey each time he sees your distinctive features than he would be were he to see merely your sign and your house; and it is much easier to direct others to you if you have something which distinguishes you from all others who have honey for sale. Two or three easily read words will differentiate one sign from another, and are enough to make one sign a sign to be remembered where another is forgotten. Too many words are to be avoided as the motorist can not read many easily, nor would he if he could. Such words as “Best Ever,” “Try It!” “No Sale Sunday” may be used. Each will want to choose his own. It is not a difficult matter to get something distinctive for the lawn. In most communities it is possible to get an old skep, such as pictured here, or some quaint hand-made hive of some sort.
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