Oven Drying: One Way to Save Victory Garden Surplus


Oven Drying: One Way to Save Victory Garden Surplus

Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library


victory gardens


If you have a gas or electric range in the kitchen - The oven offers a simple and satisfactory way to dry fruits and vegetables for winter meals.

Apples to Turnips

Most foods successfully dried in the sun or in a home drier can be dried in an oven.

The drying table in this folder gives directions for 39 fruits and vegetables — from apples to turnips. If there's a star on the list, it's dried sweet corn because of its good flavor and because corn is the hardest vegetable to can successfully at home.

Home drying doesn't suit lettuce, melons, cucumbers, radishes. Asparagus can be dried, but is not so good as most dried vegetables.

Understand at the Start

1. Oven drying is small-scale drying. An oven can take 4 to 8 pounds — preferably 6 — of a prepared fruit or vegetable at one drying load. It takes most of a day for the load to dry.

2. Oven drying is a watchman's job. Never go off and leave food drying in an oven. Gas pressure may change. If trays should catch fire, turn off the heat and close the oven door.


Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics
U.S. Department of Agriculture




AWI: Number 59


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