Eroded bank

The Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) restored the Paint Branch and Little Paint Branch (PB-85) stream and wetlands site as an environmental stewardship project to ease the effects caused by construction of the Intercounty Connector (ICC).

Stabilization of stream bank

The PB-85 project is typical of many environmental mitigation projects undertaken by SHA each year. The stream restoration project was designed to:

Re-connect the stream to its natural floodplain by breaching a man-made berm and reconfiguring the stream channel.

Create opportunities for natural wetland features to develop in the floodplain.

Stabilize stream banks to reduce erosion and in-stream sedimentation that adversely affects the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.

Enhance the riparian buffer by reforesting the lower BARC South Farm fields.

Improve fish habitats by installing woody debris to provide in-stream cover and adding gravel to the stream channel to promote native trout reproduction.

Duck family

Improvements included:

6,450 linear feet of stream restoration.
9.3 acres of floodplain and wetland enhancements.
5.4 acres of reforestation.
1,500 trees and 5,000 shrubs planted.