Letter from Peters, Richard to Thomas Jefferson, concerning a plan for a state agricultural society.

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Peters, Richard. 1794. “Letter from Peters, Richard to Thomas Jefferson, concerning a plan for a state agricultural society..” Special Collections, USDA National Agricultural Library. Accessed September 15, 2024, https://www.nal.usda.gov/exhibits/speccoll/items/show/504.


My dear Sir:
Permit me to present you with the Plan I send you for a State Society of Agriculture. I drew it up at the Request of our Philad[elph]ia Society & have Hopes that I shall get it thro . It is only the Beginning of a Plan I have in View in which, at some future Day, I will attempt embarking our Government. At present I keep it out of View. I wish every State would do something in this Way as the Agriculture of our Country is too generally bad. You

T. Jefferson Esq

[Indorsed:] Peters Richard. Mar. 13.94. recd. May 14