8 Items
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- Creator is exactly "O. Hutzinger"
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Reversed-Phase Thin-Layer Chromatography of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Chlorinated Biphenyls: Relationship with Hydrophobicity as Measured by Aqueous Solubility and Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient
Description: Corporate Author: University of Amsterdam, Laboratory of Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry, The Netherlands
Creators: Bruggeman, W.A., J Van Der Steen, O. Hutzinger
Date: 1982
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Accumulation and Elimination Kinetics of Di-, Tri- and Tetra Chlorobiphenyls by Goldfish after Dietary and Aqueous Exposure
Creators: Bruggeman, W.A., L.B.J.M. Martron, D. Kooiman, O. Hutzinger
Date: 1981
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Mechanisms in the Thermal Formation of Chlorinated Compounds Including Poly - Chlorinated Dibenzo -p- Dioxins
Creators: Choudhry, G. G., K. Olie, O. Hutzinger
Date: 1982
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Formation and Fate of PCDD and PCDF from Combustion Processes
Creators: Olie, K., M. v.d. Berg, O. Hutzinger
Date: 1983
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Bioanalysis of Polychlorinated Dibenzofuran and Dibenzo-p-dioxin Mixture in Fly Ash
Creators: Sayer, T., S. Bandiera, S. Safe, O. Hutzinger, K. Olie
Date: 1983
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Metabolism of Chlorodiphenyl Ethers and Irgasan DP 300
Creators: Tulp, M. Th. M., G. Sunderstrom, L. B. J. M. Martron, O. Hutzinger
Date: 1979
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Uptake and Selective Retention in Rats of Orally Administred Chlorinated Dioxins and Dibenzofurans from Fly-Ash Extract
Creators: Van den Berg, M., K. Olie, O. Hutzinger
Date: 1983
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Application of Molecular Orbital Calculations of PCDD and PCDF Metabolism and Toxicity
Creators: Veerkamp. W., P. Serne, O. Hutzinger
Date: 1983