10 Items
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- Publisher is exactly "Breeze Hill"
Cynoglossum amabile (Balanche Burpee Chinese forget me not)
Description: A watercolor featuring two larkspur buts and four open larkspur flowers. A handwritten note reads, 'these also come in white.' A tag in the upper right corner is the source for the included metadata.
Creators: JEM
Date: 1951
Delphinium (Chinese Larkspur)
Description: A watercolor featuring a single Chinese larkspur flower with stem. A tag in the upper right corner is the source for the included metadata.
Creators: RLH
Date: 1939
Delphinium (Larkspur)
Description: A watercolor painting featuring a larkspur stem full of flowers and a single leaf. A tag in the lower right corner is the source for the included metadata.
Creators: TFG?
Date: 1927
Delphinium (Larkspur)
Description: A watercolor painting featuring eight larkspur flowers of different colors and at different angles. A tag in the upper right corner is the source for the included metadata.
Creators: MJM
Date: 1934
Delphinium (Larkspur)
Description: A watercolor painting featuring a top-down view of four larkspur flowers. A tag in the upper right corner is the source for the included metadata.
Creators: RLH
Date: 1939
Delphinium (Larkspur)
Description: Watercolor painting featuring five larkspur flowers. A tag in the upper right corner is the source for the included metadata.
Creators: RLH
Date: 1939
Ipomoea (Morning-glory)
Description: A watercolor painting featuring an open and closed morning glory flower. A tag in the upper right corner is the source for the included metadata.
Creators: JR
Date: 1947
Ipomoea (Morning-glory)
Description: A watercolor painting featuring a top-down and side view of a morning glory flower. A tag in the upper right corner is the source for the included metadata.
Creators: GB
Date: 1950
Iridaceae (Iris)
Description: A watercolor painting of an open blue iris. A tag in the upper right corner is the source for the included metadata.
Creators: GB
Date: 1953