63 Items
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- Subject is exactly "human testing"
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Typescript and article: Appendix A: Interim Report of Missouri Dioxin Adipose Tissue Study and Automated Apparatus for the Extraction and Enrichment of 2,3,7,8 - Tetrachlorodibenzo - p - dioxin in Human Adipose Tissue
Creators: Patterson, Donald G., Chester R. Lapeza, John A. Liddle
Date: 1986-04-01
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2,3,7,8 - Tetrachlorodibenzo - p - dioxin Levels in Adipose Tissue of Exposed and Control Persons in Missouri: An Interim Report
Creators: Patterson, Donald G., Richard E. Hoffman, Larry L. Needham, Daryl W. Roberts, John R. Bagby, James L. Pirkle, Henry Falk, Eric J. Sampson, Vernon N. Houk
Date: November 21 1986
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Dioxin may Weaken Ability to Fight Disease
Creators: Okie, Susan
Date: April 18 1986
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Potential Exposure of Humans to 2, 4, 5 -T and TCDD in the Oregon Coast Ranges
Creators: Newton, Michael, Logan A. Norris
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A Critical Evaluation of the Use of Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Tumor Promotion Data in a Cancer Risk Assessment of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
Creators: Shu, H.P., D.J. Paustenbach, F.J. Murray
Date: 1987
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Analysis of Dioxins and Furans in Human Adipose Tissue
Creators: Young, Alvin L.
Date: 1983
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Effect of Various Factors on Exposure of Workers Involved in the Aerial Application of Herbicides
Description: Corporate Author: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Inc.
Creators: Franklin, C. A., R. Grover, J. W. Markham, A. E. Smith, K. Yoshida
Date: 1982
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Recommendations for Selecting and Decontaminating Pesticide Applicator Clothing
Creators: Lillie, Thomas H., James M. Livingston, Mark A. Hamilton
Date: 1981
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Abstract: Agricultural Exposure to 2, 4 -D
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A Study to Assess the Occupational Exposure to 2, 4 -D Herbicides
Creators: Libich, S.
Date: 1981-01-01
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Variation in the Baseline Sister Chromatid Exchange Frequency in Human Lymphocytes
Creators: Carrano, A.V., J.L. Minkler, D.G. Stetka, D.H. Moore II
Date: 1980
Genetic Variance in Nonverbal Intelligence: Data From the Kinships of Identical Twins
Creators: Rose, Richard J., E. L. Harris, J. C. Christian, W. E. Nance
Date: September 14 1979
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The Incidence of Sister Chromatid Exchanges in Cultured Human Lymphocytes
Creators: Morgan, William F., Peter E. Crossen
Date: 1977
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Residues of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the General Population of the United States
Creators: Kutz, Frederick W., S. C. Strassman
Date: November 19-21 1975