The 2021Consumer Food Safety Education Conferenceis planned forMarch10-12inWashington, theMarriott Marquis. A virtual option is being explored by PFSE Board of Directors.The purpose of the 2021Consumer Food Safety Education Conference is toadvance the knowledge, practice and reach of health and food safety educators in support oftheproposedHealthy People 2030objectives(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2020):FS 2030-7:Increase proportion of consumers who follow the key food safety practice of "Clean: wash hands and surfaces often."FS 2030-8:Increase proportion of consumers who follow the key food safety practice of "Cook: cook to the safe internal temperature."FS 2030,items 1-4:Related to reduced incidence of infection from Campylobacter, E-Coli, listeria monocytogenes, salmonella.A Consumer Food Safety Education Conference is important for several reasons that relate to: 1) national public health goals; 2) a complete system of prevention in foodsafety; and 3) training the next generation ofeducators and academicsfocused on improving food safetyoutcomes.Thisconference fallsunder the program area,Food Safetyand Defense(A1332),because it isan effective intervention for reducingcontaminates in foods.The Conference will make known strategiesin clean, separate, cook and chillthat reduce microbiological risksthat anyone can use when preparing and handling their food.The objectives of the 2021 Consumer Food Safety Education Conference are to:Focus on behavior change.Provide opportunities tonetwork and engage in collaborative dialogue withhealth and food safety professionals from all sectors.Feature strategies to influence food safety knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of consumers.Provide asolution-based program designed to equip participants with the tools and resources needed to address their biggest food safety challenges of today and tomorrow.The2021Conferencewill present science-based tools and resourcesfor health and food safety educators to effectively influence behavior change in the food handling practices of consumers. The Conference's focus in science-based resources directly aligns with NIFA's priority "to support education and extension activities that deliver science-based knowledge to people, allowing them to make informed practical decisions."(USDA, NIFA, 2014).The 2021Conference unique and exemplary feature is thatit is a cross sector, multi-disciplinary approach to consumer food safety education. The structureof the 2021Conference is intended to encourage cross sector participation through the inclusion of networking opportunities and speakers representing both public and private sectors.Additionally, a key audience of the conference is health educators from cooperative extension offices across the nation making up about48% of attendees.Most importantly the 2021Consumer Food Safety Education Conferenceis a mechanism in which the National InstituteofFood and Agriculture can realize its goal to reduce the rate of foodborne illness across the United States (NIFA Strategic Plan,p.28). The 2021 Conferenceutilizes education and motivational tools to empower health and food safety professionals with resources and knowledge, and in return these professionals willengage withconsumersin their diverse communities.?In a survey of 2019 Conference attendees, 93% of respondents stated they learned strategies for increasing adherence to safe food handling behaviors among consumers and 87% of respondents will disseminate information to create positive behavior changes in consumer food handling practices. The Conference is an important place for community-based health educators to enhance their understandingand have a bigger impact in their community's health.
Feist, S.
Partnership For Food Safety Education Inc.
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