AgriFoodResults intends to answer the need for a better dissemination of food results. The vision is to improve the cost effectiveness of agri-food research activities by enhancing the transfer of the results to the end-users. The project combines capacity building with the creation of sustainable services for dissemination managers. Theses services include web-sites, innovative approach to communicate scientific results and guidelines for project and dissemination managers. The scope of AgriFoodResults is food science with an emphasis on food safety, food processing technology and nutrition & health.
The focus is primary on SMEs and small research projects. AgriFoodResults has three main objectives:
<UL> <LI> To offer innovative and sustainable services for dissemination
<LI>To raise skills of European food scientists on dissemination practices
<LI>To successfully disseminate recent results from agri-food research projects. </ul>
The consortium includes seven leading research organizations in food science, five organizations involved in knowledge transfer, management and communication of research projects, one company specialized in web development, an association of food enterprises and a European organization specialized in food science communication.