The exposure of individuals to ultraviolet (UV) light or the photoactivation of chemicals to UV light is an important human health hazard. NCTR has a state-of-the-art facility to expose animals or cells in culture to UV light and to evaluate the possible adverse outcomes. UV light is known to cause mutations and also to cause skin cancer in humans. This project will investigate the possible use of a human keratinocyte (a type of skin cell) cell line for the detection of mutation. The HPRT gene will be used as the target marker gene.
Protocol approved. The human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT) obtained. Cell parameters are being determined: cloning efficiency and cellullar growth rate. In addition the cells are being evaluated for DMSO and acetone toxicities. These two chemicals are common solvents used for applying test substances to cells in culture.<p>
FY 2001 Plans:<br>
1) Validate human keratinocyte HPRT assay using known mutagens.<br>
2) Evaluate UV and UV in combination with chemicals.