Goal: To be a comprehensive training hub foragriculturaland food service industries,providingthe necessary resources and support to ensure that smallfarms and foodentrepreneurscan meet required food safetyregulations andbe able to contribute to the community and to sustained economic development in our region. Specifically, withFSOPwe will meet the followingobjectives:Objectives:To develop and implement a food safety training curriculumto reach 60small foodprocessorsthrough both our Food Entrepreneurship Applied Training (FEAT) program (20/participants/year)and standalone courses(10 participants/year), which(1) increases understandingofPreventive Controls for Human Foods(PCHF) andGood Manufacturing Practices(GMP),(2) supports small food processors in developing a food safety plan, preventive controls and/orHACCPplans,etc.and(3) supports theexpansion of businesses into new areasof production via facilities and trainingsthat will allow for the safe production and packaging of retail foodproducts.To expand existing "GrowingYourFarmBusiness"on-farm foods safetytrainingfor 100smalltomidsized farmersto(1)increaseunderstandingand compliance with FSMA, including Good Agricultural Practices and,(2)ensure farmers have the resources to create food safety plans and other recordkeeping practices that are scalable as their businesses expand.This will include offering access to print and online resources, as well as translating templates into Navajo and Spanish.To be acollaborative Hub & Training spacefora minimum of 55farms, food processors, and other food entrepreneurs(25 farmers and 40 food processors)by(1) Providing access to internet,computersandprint resourcesforfarmers and food processors, includingthose who are taking Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) training, studying GMP or PCHF, and would like additional resources and support (2)providing one-on-one mentorship and supportanddesignated"office hours" by key personnelforbusinessesworking onactivities such asfood safety plans, recall plans,Environment Department permit applications,USDAcompliant food labels, and(3)to increase opportunities for peer-to-peer support through work-sessions and mentorship opportunities
Increasing Accessibility of Food Safety Resources for Farmers and Small Food Processors in Northwest New Mexico
Reyes, Lorenzo
San Juan College
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