<OL> <LI> To examine the total volatile bases (TVB) and putrescine (PU), cadaverine (CD) and histamine (HS) methods for potential regulatory use and validation of TVB as an indicator of decomposition. <LI> To develop rapid detection methods for the determination of decomposition analytes in seafood.</ol>
FY 2000 Accomplishments: <OL> <LI> Ink identified and compounded for food contact (consumer version). <LI>Alternative technologies boosting production of FreshTagTM from 11K units/week to 11M units/week developed (commercial version). <LI>Organoleptic-certified samples and technologies combined into test kits for collaborative evaluation among National Marine Fisheries, University of Florida and University of North Carolina. <LI> Invited review (Analysis of Off Flavors). <LI>Popular Science 'Best of What's New' Award. <LI>Two invited symposia lectures.</ol>
FY 2001 Plans:<BR>Continued support for commercialization of FreshTagTM; both manufacturing techniques and application to regulatory decision making.