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Integrated Management ff Fusarium Head Blight in Small Grains for South Dakota


<p>Project 1 - Integrated Management of FHB and DON in Wheat for South Dakota:</p><ol><li>evaluate the integrated effects of fungicide and genetic resistance on FHB and DON in winter and spring wheat, with emphasis on different application timings and new genotypes;</li><li> conduct an economic analysis of the integrated effects of fungicide and resistance on FHB/DON;</li><li>generate data to advance the FHB and DON risk prediction effort.</li></ol> <p>Project 2 - Uniform Fungicide and Biological Control Trials for Management of FHB in South Dakota:</p> <ul> <li>evaluate the effects of generic fungicides on FHB and DON in hard red winter and spring wheat in South Dakota,</li><li>evaluate biological control products on FHB and DON suppression,</li><li>conduct an economic analysis of the integrated effects of fungicides and resistance on FHB and DON.</li><ul>

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<p>Project 1: Two classes of wheat, hard red winter wheat and spring wheat and three cultivars from each class (resistant, intermediate and susceptible) will be used in the experiments to be established at two locations (Volga near Brookings and South Shore). One location at Volga will be misted to increase chances of disease development. At Feekes 11.2 (soft dough), FHB severity will be determined visually on 60 spikes per plot and incidence, diseased head severity, and index calculated. The presence and flag leaf severity (as a percentage) of any foliar diseases will also be recorded. Plots will be harvested and yield and test weight determined. Grain from all plots will be rated to determine the percentage of Fusarium damaged kernels (FDK). Grain samples from each plot will be tested for DON. </p><p>Project 2: Fungicides ) and biological control agents will be evaluated in an irrigated, inoculated nursery at Brookings, SD and the second site (South Shore) will be left under natural infection. Fungicide and biological control treatments will be applied at anthesis (Feekes 10.51). Data collected from the trials will include FHB incidence, head severity, and disease index within each plot, as well as Fusarium-damaged kernels, DON in grain, and common agronomic parameters (yield and test weight).</p>

Costa, J.
South Dakota State University
Project number
Accession number