Research will examine what type of products and/or suppliers encounter difficulties in meeting trade-related SPS standards.
NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: Research will examine what type of products and/or suppliers encounter difficulties in meeting trade-related SPS standards. <P>
APPROACH: The approach will be a combination of descriptive analyses, econometric estimation of parameters, and case studies of mitigation techniques already in place.
PROGRESS: 2007/10 TO 2008/09 <br/>
The report Food Safety and Imports: An Analysis of FDA Import Refusal Reports by Jean C. Buzby, Laurian J. Unnevehr, and Donna Roberts (Economic Information Bulletin No. (EIB-39) 47 pp) was published in September 2008. The cooperator, Dr. Alex Winter-Nelson at the University of Illinois) has also submitted a preliminary report, Trade Capacity Building for Improved Food Safety: Is SPS-Related Technical Assistance Consistent with Food Safety Hazards?, which is being reviewed by project staff to determine what remains to be done to fully realize project objectives.