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Management of Fhb of Wheat in Arkansas


<p>Project 1 - Integrated Management of FHB in Arkansas: refine the application window when Prosaro? can be applied to achieve maximal efficacy.</p><p>Project 2 - Uniform Fungicide Trial in Arkansas: Determine the efficacy of a selected set of fungicides across locations.</p>

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<p>Project 1: A field experiment will be conducted in Arkansas in conjunction with similar experiments in other states to determine the effects of cultivar resistance and timing of a Prosaro? fungicide application on incidence and severity of Fusarium head blight, yield, test weight, and deoxynivalenol content of harvested grain. These data will be further analyzed to determine the economic return of using moderately resistant cultivars and/or applying Prosaro compared to planting a susceptible cultivar and not applying a fungicide. These data will also be analyzed to refine the application window when Prosaro can be applied to achieve maximal efficacy.</p><p>Project 2: A field experiment will be conducted in Arkansas in conjunction with similar experiments in other states to determine the efficacy of a selected set of fungicides across locations and make this information available to wheat growers and other interested clientele.</p>

Costa, Jose
USDA - Agricultural Research Service
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