Project AbstractThis project is being developed and proposed in response to the Food and DrugAdministration?s (FDA) announcement of the availability of cooperative agreement funding toState governments for projects and programs intended to develop, complement and enhancestate drug residue prevention programs (RFA FD-18-006). The Minnesota Department ofAgriculture (MDA) has demonstrated successful implementation of a foundational drug residueprevention program in the past two years, and intends to further develop, complement andenhance its current program using training and outreach activities, including the addition of on-site assessments for identified tissue residue violators and best practice visits for other livestockproducers.MDA has regulatory oversight for animal feed, dairy, meat and egg products in Minnesota. Assuch, the MDA has a broad scope of activities that provide extensive opportunities to conductoutreach and educational activities focused on veterinary drug residue prevention andappropriate uses of veterinary drugs. In addition, the MDA has strong subject-matter expertisein terms of veterinary leadership and technical skills in veterinary drug use and extralabelrequirements, as well as previous experience in residue investigation and outreach activitiesthrough its extensive participation in tissue residue and milk residue investigations. As a part ofthis application, the MDA intends build on its previous effots to to develop and implement aMinnesota drug residue prevention program; this includes creation and enhancement ofoutreach materials and online training modules, as well as expansion of its on-farm outreachprogram for milk residue investigations to include on-farm assessments for tissue residueviolators and best practice visits for other producers. The funding provided for these activitiesis key to further building our program and expanding our direct reach to more livestockproducers, veterinarians and other industry stakeholders.
Minnesota Veterinary Drug Residue Prevention Program
Neeser, Nicole
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Start date
End date
Funding Source
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