The goal of the proposed research is to develop a biocatalyst (BioCat-PTM) based on novel non-pathogenic, phosphorus solubilizing endophytic bacteria for making inorganic, organic, and soil-residual phosphorus available for crop growth in tune with its needs thereby cutting phosphorus requirement by 50% without reducing yield. This project will benefit all small and mid-size farmers with first application targeted to 'historically underserved' and socially disadvantaged producers of Ak-Chin and Colorado River Indian Tribes in Arizona and California (See attached letters of support). The company will also work with small and mid-size growers in Iowa to implement conservation practice involving a 50% reduction in their phosphate fertilizer application that can be translated to credits using the RIBITS database-Regulatory In-Lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System (as part of newly set up Nutrient Exchange Program) that can be sold to a point source discharger (See… novative-approach-to-nutrient-loading-the-nutrient-reduction-exchange). The company will work with small and midsize growers in Vermont as part for their "Vermont Pay for Performance Program" that provides performance-based payments to Vermont farmers for reducing phosphorus (P) losses from their agricultural fields (See 1: To adapt our proprietary inoculation protocol for treating spinach, leaf lettuce, al-falfa, wheat, and cotton seeds. This objective will enable optimization of seed sterilization, inoculum concentration and inocu-lum contact time for each seed type to optimize growth under reduced P fertilizer application Objective 2: To conduct small plot trials and 1 acre demo trials for BioCat-PTM treated seeds with reduced phosphorus fertilizer application in corn; alfalfa; cotton; spinach; and lettuce production systems as compared to a control with untreated seeds and application of mono ammonium phosphate fertilizer in recommended amounts. This objective will enable determining P fertilizer reduction amount for each crop (Cotton; Alfal-fa; Wheat; Spinach; and Leaf Lettuce) for a limited product launch and provide back to back 2 year efficacy data for expanding market share (increasing acreage) Objective 3: To conduct small plot trials and 1 acre demo trials for corn using BioCat-PTM treated seeds with reduced phosphorus fertilizer application with USDA extension agents in Iowa and Vermont as part of "Nutrient Reduction Exchange Program" (NRE) in Iowa and "Vermont Pay for Performance Program" in Vermont.
Adam, N.
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