Objective 1: Support at least 20 new and beginning producers to complete 8-hr FSMA Produce Safety Rule grower training testing innovative educational delivery methods.Objective 2: Implement outreach activities (translation as needed) to enhance FSMA/PSR understanding and compliance for beginning specialty crop producers across Massachusetts and through our National Team's efforts with the FIELD Network. Outcome: Implement two webinars/online outreach activities that increase food safety skills and knowledge and opportunities to sell to institutions for at least 30 new and beginning specialty crop farmers who report knowledge gained of food safety requirements, certifications, on-farm prevention, detection, control, and traceability. Share educational approach for food safety training with other agricultural service providers training beginning farmers.Objective 3: Implement direct technical assistance for new and beginning farmers on our incubator farms, on our graduates' farms, and at the New Entry Food Hub. Direct technical assistance activities will include but not be limited to: farm site visits to assess compliance and support remediation; bookkeeping including invoicing systems for traceability, and other communication around food safety during produce delivery windows at the New Entry Food Hub; one-on-one support for creation of individual food safety plans. Direct technical assistance will include translation services as required to ensure that socially disadvantaged farmers are not left behind by the Produce Safety Rule.Objective 4: Educate and support New Entry Food Hub producers on MDAR Commonwealth Quality Program (CQP) requirements and support compliance with GroupCQP Certification (MGAP) and Audit services. Disseminate existing food safety training materials to producers to prepare them for certification and audit visits. Provide direct technical assistance for beginning and limited resource farmers participating in the New Entry Food Hub.Objective 5: Improve the training capacity of New Entry staff through ongoing FSMA training and participation in NECAFS regional learning groups for key New Entry staff to increase our organizational capacity to teach the FSMA Produce Rule and Preventative Controls to new and beginning specialty crop producers across Massachusetts.
Training Beginning, Immigrant, and Organic Specialty Crop Producers in FSMA Compliance to Access Wholesale and Institutional Markets
Hashley, Jennifer
Tufts University
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