NAL's Food Safety Research Information Office (FSRIO) maintains the Research Projects Database (RPD). The RPD tracks food safety research projects funded by FSRIO partner agencies. The RPD is searchable by Category, Commodity, and Funding Source.
Browse by Category
- Bacterial Pathogens(7,942)
- Chemical Contaminants(4,399)
- Viruses and Prions(4,088)
- Natural Toxins(3,925)
- Parasites(3,636)
- Education and Training(1,974)
- Escherichia coli(1,596)
- Salmonella(1,501)
- Food Defense and Integrity(1,298)
- Risk Assessment, Management, and Communication(1,110)
Browse by Commodity
- Produce(1,501)
- Meat, Poultry, Game(1,444)
- Nuts, Seeds(392)
- Seafood(335)
- Dairy(211)
- Grains, Beans, Legumes(114)
- Eggs(80)
Browse by Funding Source
- Nat'l. Inst. of Food and Agriculture(6,887)
- Agricultural Research Service(3,013)
- Food and Drug Administration(2,180)
- Nat'l. Inst. of Allergy and Infectious Diseases(1,564)
- Food Standards Agency(1,110)
- United States Nat'l. Science Fndn.(802)
- European Commission(590)
- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council(375)
- Nat'l. Cattlemen's Beef Assoc.(226)
- Nat'l. Inst. of Environmental Health Sciences(216)
- ARS (NP108)(209)
- Dept. for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs(169)
- Ontario Min. of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs(134)
- Bill and Melinda Gates Fndn.(127)
- Nat'l. Center For Toxicological Research(126)
- Binational Agricultural Research and Devel. Fund(122)
- Center for Produce Safety(122)
- Nat'l. Inst. of General Medical Sciences(117)
- European Food Safety Authority(113)
- Nat'l. Inst. of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases(96)
- Center For Food Safety and Applied Nutrition(75)
- Fndn. for Meat and Poultry Research and Education(68)
- Nat'l. Center for Environmental Health(58)
- Nat'l. Inst. of Child Health and Human Devel.(54)
- Campden BRI(53)
- Dairy Research Inst.(48)
- Pork Checkoff(41)
- Nat'l. Inst. of Neurological Disorders and Stroke(40)
- safefood(30)
- Agriculture & Horticulture Develop. Board(22)
- Nat'l. Dairy Council(21)
- Nat'l. Cancer Inst.(19)
- Fogarty Int'l. Center(16)
- Economic Research Service(16)
- Nat'l. Pork Board(15)
- United States Army(14)
- Nat'l. Center for Research Resources(14)
- Nat'l. Center for Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Diseases(11)
- Nat'l. Center for Complementary and Integrative Health(10)
- Fresh Express(9)
- Nat'l. Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine(9)
- Int'l. Life Sciences Inst.(8)
- Nat'l. Inst. for Occupational Safety and Health(7)
- Food Safety Inspection Service(7)
- Nat'l. Inst. of Health(7)
- Nat'l. Inst. of Mental Health(7)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(7)
- Nat'l. Heart, Lung and Blood Inst.(7)
- Nat'l. Inst. on Aging(6)
- European Union(6)
- Office of the Director(4)
- Innovate UK(4)
- Economic and Social Research Council(4)
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry(3)
- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service(3)
- National Center for Environmental Health(3)
- Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences(3)
- Nat'l. Eye Inst.(2)
- Nat'l. Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities(2)
- Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response(1)
- Nat'l. Inst. of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering(1)
- Food Marketing Inst. Fndn.(1)
- United States Dept. of Agriculture(1)
- Center for Disease Control(1)
- Nat'l. Center for Advancing Translational Sciences(1)
- United States Navy(1)
- Nat'l. Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases(1)
- Nat'l. Inst. on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism(1)
- Medical Research Council(1)
- Beef Checkoff(1)
- Nat'l. Library of Medicine(1)