Suggestions for an ordinance to establish, locate, regulate, and maintain a public farmers’ market, and for other purposes
Suggestions for an ordinance to establish, locate, regulate, and maintain a public farmers’ market, and for other purposes
USDA Service and Regulatory Announcements 69
Who should be permitted to sell on the market will depend on a number of considerations, such as whether a large assortment of products are produced on adjacent farms, whether the primary purpose of the market is to assist producers, or whether convenience of consumers is of paramount importance. The presence of hucksters on a market broadens the variety of its products, as such vendors deal in tropical fruits and other shipped-in products.
It is well to prevent on a public market any taint of speculation by one farmer in products of other farmers, and it therefore seems desirable to restrict sales of other produce than that raised by those making sales, except where definite and limited exceptions are made, such as where sales are for accommodation or in the case of hucksters.
When hucksters are permitted to sell on a public market they usually are prohibited from reselling products bought on the market and from selling outside products which compete directly with those produced by the local farmers. In recognition of the fact that their markets are primarily for producers, and to avoid misleading consumers, some communities consider it desirable to place the hucksters admitted to the market in a separate, labeled section. Another possibility is to provide each actual producer (for a fee) with a sign or badger certifying that he is a producer.
It is well to prevent on a public market any taint of speculation by one farmer in products of other farmers, and it therefore seems desirable to restrict sales of other produce than that raised by those making sales, except where definite and limited exceptions are made, such as where sales are for accommodation or in the case of hucksters.
When hucksters are permitted to sell on a public market they usually are prohibited from reselling products bought on the market and from selling outside products which compete directly with those produced by the local farmers. In recognition of the fact that their markets are primarily for producers, and to avoid misleading consumers, some communities consider it desirable to place the hucksters admitted to the market in a separate, labeled section. Another possibility is to provide each actual producer (for a fee) with a sign or badger certifying that he is a producer.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
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