National Agricultural Library
The National Agricultural Library (NAL) is one of five national libraries of the United States. It houses one of the world's largest collections devoted to agriculture and its related sciences.
The USDA National Agricultural Library provides an easy-to-use integrated search interface to find current and historical materials in its collections.
Online Resources
Search citations from two agricultural science databases: indexed journal articles and the NAL catalog.
Find full-text articles and citations to peer-reviewed journal articles in the agricultural sciences.
Ag Data Commons
Access open data relevant to agricultural research.
Digital Collections
Explore NAL collection materials available in digital format.
NALT Concept Space
The National Agricultural Library Thesaurus (NALT) is now a multischeme concept space.
Invasive Species
Learn about invasive species that threaten the United States.
Uncover reliable resources on food, healthy eating, physical activity, and food safety.
LCA Commons
Find Federal life cycle assessment data, research, and information systems.
Staff Picks
Kid-Friendly Recipes

Find healthy recipes from federal government and Cooperative Extension sites in this recipe collection.
Protect Forests from Invasive Pests

Don’t move firewood — use local firewood! Learn how to stop the spread of invasive pests from the National Invasive Species Information Center at NAL.
NAL's Internet Archive Collection

Find digitized materials from NAL's collections including seed trade catalogs, USDA agency publications, and special agricultural topics.