The Small Vegetable Garden: Suggestions for Utilizing Limited Areas


The Small Vegetable Garden: Suggestions for Utilizing Limited Areas

Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library


small gardens


BY THE exercise of care and forethought in planting succession crops and rotations and by the utilization of every foot of available space it is possible to grow considerable quantities of vegetables on limited areas and so supplement the family food supply. The principal factors in accomplishing this are the use of seed boxes and hotbeds to give plants an early start in spring before" seeds may be planted outdoors, th« use of outside seed beds to carry plants for main-season crops while early crops are occupying the garden space, and the planting of late or succession crops as soon as earlier plants have been removed.

In order that gardening may be carried on successfully in such an intensive way it is especially important that soil of good texture be available, and that it be well supplied with humus and plant food. It is essential also, as in all gardening, that sufficient moisture be present, that the garden be kept free of weeds, and that the soil be cultivated frequently and well.

In the following pages specific suggestions are made for planning an intensive garden enterprise, for preparing the soil and maintaining its fertility, and for planting and growing the crops.


U.S. Department of Agriculture




Farmers' Bulletin: Number 818