A Victory Gardener's Handbook on Insects and Diseases


A Victory Gardener's Handbook on Insects and Diseases

Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library


victory gardens


THIS PUBLICATION has been prepared to aid the gardener in identifying the more common insects and related forms and the more common diseases that attack vegetable gardens in the United States and to provide him with simple directions for the control of these pests.

In the space available in this publication it is impossible to give detailed recommendations for the control of the insects and diseases listed or to include information on additional insects and diseases which may be found locally in vegetable gardens in various parts of the country. An attempt has been made, moreover, to simplify the directions for the preparation and application of the insecticides and fungicides recommended. For this reason the sprays dusts, solutions, and baits have been reduced to a minimum and made as uniform as possible, even though in some instances the directions given herein for the preparation of the small quantities of materials usually needed for vegetable gardens may not conform exactly to the directions in the more detailed publications of the Department.

It has been necessary to adjust or change some of the recommendations appearing in previous publications, owing to the necessity of conserving certain materials, such as rotenone and pyrethrum, which have been made scarce bv war conditions or whose use is limited by orders of the War Production Board to application on specified crops against certain species of insects.


White, William Henry
Doolittle, Sears Polydore




Miscellaneous Publication: Number 525