Soil Productivity as Affected by Crop Rotation



Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library


A STUDY of the long-continued soil-fertility experiments of this country and of England, made by the Department of Agriculture. 1 has brought out the following important facts about crop rotation in its relation to soil productivity, as determined by the soil conditions under which these experiments are conducted:

(1) In general, crop rotation has been found to be practically 95 per cent as effective as farm manure and complete commercial fertilizers in maintaining the yields of wheat, corn, and oats, and about 90 per cent as effective as these fertilizers in increasing the yields of these three major crops.

(2) The beneficial effects of crop rotation do not impair the benefits derived from the use of fertilizers; so that when these two farm practices are combined the one practice adds to the benefits of the other.

(3] When compared with the effectiveness of manure and commercial fertilizers, the relative value of crop rotation is practically 20 per cent higher on soils sufficiently supplied with lime than on soils that are acid.

(4) On soils long under cultivation the highest yields are possible only when the use of manure or commercial fertilizers and rotation of crops are conjoined or practiced together.


Soil Productivity as Affected by Crop Rotation