Three Phases of the Poultry Industry
Three Phases of the Poultry Industry
This piece contains three profiles of actual poultry farmers. It is the only non-fiction article by Frost in this collection.
"A Typical 'Bred to Lay' Business" describes the work of Charlemagne Bricault, a poultry farmer, breeder, and veterinarian from Andover, Massachusetts.
"The Nicholas' Place" is about a husband and wife in Lawrence, Massachusetts who take up poultry farming.
"A Typical Small Breeder" follows John A. Hall of Atkinson, New Hampshire and describes his work breeding White Wyandotte chickens, ducks, geese, Runt pigeons, and Angora cats.
"A Typical 'Bred to Lay' Business" describes the work of Charlemagne Bricault, a poultry farmer, breeder, and veterinarian from Andover, Massachusetts.
"The Nicholas' Place" is about a husband and wife in Lawrence, Massachusetts who take up poultry farming.
"A Typical Small Breeder" follows John A. Hall of Atkinson, New Hampshire and describes his work breeding White Wyandotte chickens, ducks, geese, Runt pigeons, and Angora cats.
Farm-Poultry Publishing Company. Boston, Massachusetts.
..."Let me say here that for his purpose no more ideal place than Dr. Bricault’s could be found. One of the pleasantest spots in an unusually attractive town, it is calculated to add materially to the effectiveness of its white feathered population. It is high and dry without being arid. In fact every square foot of it would be available for almost any kind of farming. Not the least of its advantages is its convenience to the cars, leaving no one an excuse for condemning Dr. Bricault’s stock or methods unseen...."
John Henry Robinson, Editor
Farm-Poultry, Volume 14, Number 24, page 481-482
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