Locality is art.
-- Robert Frost
From Notebook 13, 10r. Quoted in Frost, R and Faggen, R. (ed.) The Notebooks of Robert Frost (2007), page 183.
Inside the Barn of The Robert Frost Farm in Derry, New Hampshire: Present Day

Robert Frost Farm - Derry, New Hampshire by Janeo23 is used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license
The Robert Frost Homestead is now a museum owned by the State of New Hampshire. On May 23, 1968 it was designated as a National Historic Landmark by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior.
Robert Frost, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front
circa 1910 - 1920
Library of Congress
Prints & Photographs Division
Robert Frost, half-length portrait, seated, facing left
Palumbo, Fred, photographer
Library of Congress
Prints & Photographs Division
Primary Resources Used for "Frost on Chickens"
Anonymous (1906). A Happy New Year! from The Parsonage, Charles Loveland Merriam 1906. Derry New Hampshire Public Library Historic Postcards. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from Flickr Commons:>. Used under a Creative Commons Generic 2.0 license.
Anonymous (n.d.). Pinkerton Academy, Derry, N.H. Derry New Hampshire Public Library Historic Postcards. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from Flickr Commons: Used under a Creative Commons Generic 2.0 license.
Anonymous (1907). Pinkerton Academy Foot Ball Team March 29, 1907. Derry New Hampshire Public Library Historic Postcards. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from Flickr Commons: Used under a Creative Commons Generic 2.0 license.
D. H. Hurd & Company (1892). Derry, Rockingham Co. Seabrook, Rockingham Co. Rye, Rockingham Co. (with) Star Island, Gosport Ward, town of Rye. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from The David Rumsey Historical Map Collection: Used under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
Frost, L. (1969). New Hampshire's Child: Derry Journals of Lesley Frost. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Frost, R. (2014). The Letters of Robert Frost: Volume 1, 1886 - 1921. D. Sheehy, M. Richardson, and R. Faggen (Eds.). Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.
Frost, R. (2007). The Notebooks of Robert Frost. Robert Faggen (Ed.). Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.
Frost, R. (2009). Robert Frost Speaking on Campus: Excerpts From His Talks, 1949-1962. E.C. Lathem (Ed.). New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
Frost, R, & Frost, E. (1972). Family Letters of Robert and Elinor Frost. A. E. Grade (Ed.). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Siegel, Rebecca (Grongor) (August 20, 2010). Robert Frost House. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from Flickr Commons. Used under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.
Siegel, Rebecca (Grongor) (August 20, 2010). Robert Frost House - Barn Windows. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from Flickr Commons. Used under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.
Siegel, Rebecca (Grongor) (August 20, 2010). Robert Frost House - Sign. Retrieved November 10, 2014 from Flickr Commons. Used under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.
Secondary Resources Used for "Frost on Chickens"
Helfand, J. (2008). Animal Magnetism. Design Observer. Retrieved from
Hubka, T.C. (2004). Big House, Little House, Back House, Barn: The Connected Farm Buildings of New England. Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England.
Frost, R. (1963). Robert Frost: Farm-Poultryman. E. C. Lathem & L. Thompson (Eds.). Hanover, NH: Dartmouth Publications.
Morrison, K. (1974). Robert Frost: A Pictorial Chronicle. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Mott, F. (1938). A History of American Magazines, 1865-1885, Volume 3. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.
Parini, J. (1999). Robert Frost: A Life. New York: Henry Holt and Company, LLC.
Sanders, D. (2001). A Divided Poet: Robert Frost, North of Boston, and the Drama of Disappearance. Rochester, NY: Camden House.
Scheuer, L. (2013). Once Upon a Flock: Life With My Soulful Chickens. New York: Atria Books.
Staples, T. (2001). The Fairest Fowl: Portraits of Championship Chickens. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
Staples, T. (2013). The Magnificent Chicken: Portraits of the Fairest Fowl. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
Wilson, W.O. (1974). Housing. In O.A. Hanke, J.L. Skinner, & J.H. Florea (Eds.) American Poultry History: 1823-1973: An Anthology Overview of 150 Years (pp. 218-247). Madison, WI: American Poultry Historical Society.
"Frost on Chickens" contains records for over 200 selected full-text digital books, reports, and images from the late the 1800s and the 1900s on poultry farming, chicken breeding, and competitive chicken exhibitions, referred to commonly as "The Fancy."
The exhibit also includes records for over 100 selected full-text articles and reports documenting the current work of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service related to poultry including research into poultry health, nutrition, and housing, egg and meat safety and quality, and poultry production efficiency.
Many of the items featured here were published a century ago. Therefore, please do not assume that the content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. All views expressed in these items are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the National Agricultural Library.
The Robert Frost Farm in Derry, New Hampshire: Present Day
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials contained in "Frost on Chickens" are either in the public domain due to copyright expiration or because they are works produced by employees of the U.S. Government as part of their official duties and thus are not copyrighted within the United States.