Favorite Southern Recipes



Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library



Two cups of milk, two tablespoonsful of flour, two tablespoonsful of butter. Scald milk, melt the butter, stir the flour in the melted butter ; do not cook. Gradually add part of hot milk, stirring well ; add remainder of milk, cook over hot water. This sauce may be used as the foundation of soups. — Mrs. A. Johnson, Lyons, Texas.

Put two pounds of mutton and two quarts of cold water to boil, add one tablespoonful of rice, washed carefully through several waters. Let it boil till the meat will leave the bone and the rice is cooked to a liquid mass. Take from the fire, season with a little salt, and skim if preferred. If for a patient, leave on all the fat (the more fat, the better). — Jewel Taylor, Winnsboro, Louisiana.

After boiling a soup bone or a piece of beef until done, add to the broth boiling water to make the amount of soup wanted, and when boiling again, add a large handful of cabbage cut fine as for slaw, a half pint of tomatoes and three good-sized onions, cut fine, and three Irish potatoes sliced very thin, and a half pint of corn. Let boil about a half hour. If the soup is liked a little thick, beat one egg with two tablespoonsful of sweet milk and one teaspoonful of flour put in five or ten minutes before taking off. This makes it very rich. Serve with crackers. Try this straight, then sweeten to taste. Also add pepper, salt, and a little butter. — Miss Rosa Fekrell, Durham, N. G.


Favorite Southern Recipes