A Method of Testing Farms in the South for Efficiency in Management
This circular is intended to present a method of testing farms for efficiency in management, with some general standards of efficiency, for the use of farm-management extension workers, county agents, farmers, and others, with special reference to agricultural conditions in the South. The method is by no means exhaustive in character, but it is expected that its use will be helpful.
Many factors influence the success of the farm business, and efficiency maybe tested in numerous ways. Some of the more important tests are here given, such as (1) the production of family and farm supplies, (2) the yield per acre of crops, (3) the production per head of productive live stock, (4) the organization of the crop acreages, (5) the adjustment between labor requirements and labor supply, and (6) secondary tests directly influencing the main factors. These tests should be based on farm surveys, business summaries, and farm-practice records for the communities in which are located the farms considered. A business summary should be prepared for each farm, an average summary for all the farms in the community group, and an average summary for a given number of the best farms in the group.
With these summaries as a basis the farms should be measured individually, applying the tests in the order given, or in such order as circumstances and good judgment may suggest. In the following pages an exposition of these tests is given, with illustrative data and standards. These figures are based on prewar records and conditions, but it is thought that the principles involved will not be changed by war prices and costs.
Many factors influence the success of the farm business, and efficiency maybe tested in numerous ways. Some of the more important tests are here given, such as (1) the production of family and farm supplies, (2) the yield per acre of crops, (3) the production per head of productive live stock, (4) the organization of the crop acreages, (5) the adjustment between labor requirements and labor supply, and (6) secondary tests directly influencing the main factors. These tests should be based on farm surveys, business summaries, and farm-practice records for the communities in which are located the farms considered. A business summary should be prepared for each farm, an average summary for all the farms in the community group, and an average summary for a given number of the best farms in the group.
With these summaries as a basis the farms should be measured individually, applying the tests in the order given, or in such order as circumstances and good judgment may suggest. In the following pages an exposition of these tests is given, with illustrative data and standards. These figures are based on prewar records and conditions, but it is thought that the principles involved will not be changed by war prices and costs.
A Method of Testing Farms in the South for Efficiency in Management