Growing Corn in the Southeastern States




Source of Digital Item

National Agricultural Library



In the southeastern states larger yields of corn will be produced at less cost by giving greater attention to the following factors:

(1) Drainage and humus.

(2) Deep preparation of the land.

(3) Judicious use of commercial fertilizers.

(4) Special corn machinery.

(5) Adjustment of the cultural method to meet the special requirements of the corn plant.

Corn plants require an abundant and uniform supply of moisture throughout the season. This requirement may be met by improving the water-holding capacity of the soil and preventing the growth of grass and weeds.

The supply of available plant food must be controlled so that there will be a moderate amount of stalk development and a proportionately large ear development. Planting as early as a stand may be secured in order that the early growth may be made in comparatively cool weather, planting in furrows, the application of commercial fertilizers as the particular case demands, and cultivation so that the most fertile portion of the soil is thrown from the rows early in the season and to the rows some time previous to the tasseling period, all tend to give this result.

Good tools specially designed for corn production will save much labor.


Growing Corn in the Southeastern States