Items from "Poultry Press": 13

Everybodys Poultry Magazine

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"Everybody reads Everybodys" A National Poultry Publication Devoted to the Best Interests of Poultry and Its BreedersWELCOME 1922 In the previous issue of Everybodys we paid our respects to the year that has just passed and we now welcome the New Year with gladness and with more expectations that it, like its many predecessors, will surpass all…

The Poultry Keeper

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Began with Volume 1, Number 1 (April, 1884)


The Poultry Keeper makes a bow to its readers and greets them cordially. Though only recently arrived we have come to remain, and trust that the longer we stay the more highly we may be appreciated. We believe there is room for us, too, and that we can assist to bring in recruits and…

Portrait of John Henry Robinson, Editor of Farm-Poultry

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Portrait of John Henry Robinson, Editor of Farm-Poultry

The Agricultural College Editor

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Bulletins and newspapers have been prominently recognized for many years as means of supplying agricultural information. Only recently, however, have administrators realized that the preparation of information for popular use requires the services of a trained specialist - a specialist not only with a facility for explaining scientific facts in…

The Farm-Poultry

The Farm-Poultry Volume 7 Number 1.jpg
Began with Volume 1, Number 1 (September, 1889)

Several thousand new readers have recently become (or soon will become) acquainted with Farm-Poultry, and it is fitting that we should offer them a word of explanation as to the scope and purpose of this paper.

Farm-Poultry aims to be a practical, helpful poultry paper, the intention being to…

The Plough and The Book: An Address

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The coming work will be with the soil and how to get the best results from it, the improvement not only of our breeds of livestock, but of our grains and grasses, of our methods of feeding. Away in the distance we see a transformation scene in this vista just as we have seen it in our farm implements, or as we see it exemplified every day in our…

The Feather

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A National Journal Devoted to Poultry, Pigeons, Birds, Etc. We make our bow to the feather-loving public. The Feather is designed to meet the wants of those interested in the feathered tribes. It does not fill a long- felt want perhaps, but hope is expressed that it will at least prove a worthy adjunct to the many valuable publications of its kind…

American Poultry World

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Devoted to the Upbuilding of the Poultry Industry in all its Branches. Whatever AMERICAN POULTRY WORLD can do, in its field of effort, to advance the common interests of the poultrymen and poultry organizations of Canada and of the United States will be done willingly, cheerfully — with loyalty to the welfare of the American Poultry Association as…

The Eastern Poultryman

The Easten Poultryman Volume 3 Number 1.jpg
Devoted to practical poultry culture. Readers are invited to make any suggestions of changes or new features that would make the paper of greater value. The Eastern Poultryman is published in your interests and we want to hear from you.

The poultry business of to-day is one of the greatest of agricultural pursuits, and the utility side of…

Healthy Animals

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Healthy Animals is an online compilation of animal health-related research news put out twice a year by the Information Staff of the Agricultural Research Service. ARS is the chief scientific agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Each issue profiles one aspect of ARS research. Links take readers to detailed stories on new findings…

National Agricultural Library Digital Collections

The National Agricultural Library Digital Collections (NALDC) offers an easy access to collection materials available in digital format. The NALDC offers rich searching, browsing and retrieval of digital materials and collections, and provides reliable, long-term online access to selected publications. NALDC includes historical publications, U. S.…

Agricultural Research

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's science magazine, published 10 times a year by the Agricultural Research Service in electronic format.

Poultry Fancier

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We have no patience with the people who prejudicially maintain that 'a chicken is a chicken' or in other words take the stand that one "chicken' is as good as another. The ordinary mongrel fowl is in the same class with the razor backed hog, the scrub cow and the plug horse. They constitute the scum of the race. They will sometimes thrive under…