Letter from Lord Sheffield to Thomas Jefferson. Back of letter.

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Lord Sheffield. 1806. “Letter from Lord Sheffield to Thomas Jefferson. Back of letter..” Special Collections, USDA National Agricultural Library. Accessed October 6, 2024, https://www.nal.usda.gov/exhibits/speccoll/items/show/508.


in the front of the Mould Board, while it rests in its own position, will not be attended with inconvenience when turning a Furrow, consisting of loose Mould. As we are much interested in the complete success of this invention, we shall be obliged to you for the communication of any alterations, or improvements, which may hereafter be made. I have the Honour to be,

With great respect,
Your Excellency's
Most obedient
Humble Servant

[Addressed:] His Excellency The
President of The United States
&c &c &c

[U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - Jefferson MSS. - A.L.S.]