Browse Items: 12

The Home Poultry Book

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No doubt the experts whose eyes chance to fall on this book will say that it is elementary. It is, and purposely so. It is designed first and last for the amateur who has no time and inclination to read technical or semi-technical books on poultry keeping. It aims to tell the man with a few hens what to do and how to do it.

Poultry 2004 Part I: Reference of Health and Management of Backyard / Small Production Flocks in the United States, 2004

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Poultry ’04 is NAHMS’ second study of the U.S. poultry industry. For Poultry ’04, NAHMS conducted a thorough assessment to determine the information needs of the poultry industry, researchers, and Federal and State governments. This needs assessment indicated a need for information regarding bird health, bird movement, and biosecurity practices of…

Small Enterprise Chicken Study, 2007

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The Small Enterprise Chicken Study, 2007 is NAHMS’ third study of the poultry industry. The study provides national information on biosecurity practices and bird movement on operations with 1,000 to 19,999 chickens. The study was conducted in August 2007 and was based upon a statistically selected sample of 2,511 operations.

Poultry 2010: Urban Chicken Ownership in Los Angeles County, California 2010

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Raising chickens in urban environments is a growing phenomenon in the United States. Urban chicken flocks are not part of the commercial poultry industry; however, they sometimes provide chicken meat and eggs to local food systems such as farmers’ markets. Urban chickens represent an avian population for which very little information is available.…

Urban Chicken Ownership in Four U.S. Cities

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Raising chickens in urban environments is a growing phenomenon in the United States. Urban chicken flocks are not part of the commercial poultry industry; however, they sometimes provide chicken meat and eggs to local food systems such as farmers’ markets. Urban chickens represent an avian population for which very little information is available.…

Biosecurity Guide for Poultry and Bird Owners

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This guide was designed to provide useful information on biosecurity for poultry and bird owners. The United States works very hard to prevent infectious poultry diseases such as highly pathogenic avian influenza and exotic Newcastle disease from being introduced into the country. To accomplish this, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)…

The Home Chicken Flock

The home chicken flock usually is kept for egg production. It should provide fresh eggs during most of the year.

Before you decide to start a laying flock, you should find out about the zoning ordinances in your area ; if you live in a large city or a suburb, they may forbid poultry keeping.

Non-commercial poultry industries: Surveys of backyard and gamefowl breeder flocks in the United States

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The National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) Poultry '04 study was conducted to better describe non-commercial United States poultry populations, in particular, backyard and gamefowl breeder flocks. To estimate the density of backyard flocks in close proximity to commercial operations, a sample of 350 commercial poultry operations in 18 top…

Hints to Poultry Raisers

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Subscribe for a good poultry paper.

Every poultry keeper should have a copy of the American Standard of Perfection.

Have everything ready beforehand and start your hatching operations early in the year.

A well-ventilated cellar is the best place to operate the incubator.

The machine should be operated according to the manufacturer's…

Care of Mature Fowls

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Poultry-Club members should get good returns from their hens, as a small flock of fowls will give excellent results if they receive the proper feed and care, and the waste from the kitchen, table, and garden will help materially in keeping down the feed bill. The henhouse should be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and made tight for the winter. See…

Management of Growing Chicks

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The care of growing chicks, especially during very warm weather, is most important, and every boy or girl who is a member of a poultry club or is raising chickens should give them the best of care at this time if he or she wishes to succeed. The baby chicks may be smart little fellows from strong, vigorous parent stock, and they may have been…

Culling for Eggs and Market

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Every boy or girl who keeps poultry naturally desires to make as much profit as possible. To do so it is important that every hen kept should be a good layer and that all cockerels except those for breeding purposes (as well as pullets that lack vigor and vitality) should either be eaten or canned for home use or be sold as soon as they are large…