Items tagged "poultry farming": 41

Poultry Common Sense: A Compendium of Useful Receipts, Formulas and Suggestions for Poultry Raisers, Including Monthly Pen, Egg and Hatching Records For One Year

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Feeling that a compact, ready reference book comprising useful poultry receipts, formulas, yearly egg record and hints or "short cut" suggestions in poultry culture would be appreciated particularly by amateurs, as well, perhaps by many more experienced in poultry raising, is what prompted us in offering this book to the public.

This book is…

Poultry Secrets Revealed

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In this little book I shall talk to you, so far as possible, the same as I would do if you could drop into my office from time to time. I assume that you are a novice, a beginner, in poultry culture. Therefore if this book falls into the hands of an old breeder he will probably cry out that he finds very little that is new between its covers. Well,…

$100 Hen: How to Get Her

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Twenty-four cuts of the most popular breeds.

It tells how to erect the best poultry house in use; gives cuts the number of feet of material, cost, etc., etc.

It tells you how to test your eggs so they will hatch, and gives cuts showing different stages of fertility.

It tells you the effect of altitude on the hen and…

How to Tell the Sex of an Egg before Incubation, and How to Tell the Sex of a Chick When Hatched

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There are many devices and ideas being sold on the market which claim to reveal a method of testing the sex of an egg before incubation, or of a chick as soon as hatched. We have tested practically all of these known methods and have found most of them unreliable.

It is only after testing a method that was discovered by Mrs. Noda Fry, of…

Western Poultry Book: Tells You What to Do and How to Do It. The Chicken Business From First to Last. With Questions and Answers Relative to Up-To-Date Poultry Culture

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In the hope of helping beginners and Others of my friends in the poultry business, and in response to urgent requests for a book on poultry culture from my pen, I wrote a small volume a year ago. The whole edition was sold in a year, and on account of the interest taken in it and the demand for something more, I have re-written it and added…

Poultry for Pleasure and Profit

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The breeding of poultry presents a better opportunity to combine pleasure and profit than can be found in any other safe and sane occupation. It gives the business man something to divert his attention from the cares of large transactions; the shop worker finds in it a source of pleasant recreation, while it adds to the comforts of his home and…

A Short Story for Poultry Raisers, Enlarged and Illustrated

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This little book is merely suggestive of the great subject of poultry raising, being a collection of a few facts in regard to the principal breeds of poultry raised in this country, the hatching and raising of the chicks, the proper food under different conditions and the most suitable houses and runs. No attempt has been made to give a history of…

Essentials of Successful Poultry Keeping

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Everybody who has followed the development of the poultry interests in this country during the past few years knows that we have made wonderful progress in our knowledge and methods of caring for these profit producing animals.

This work has been taken up and carried on by both state and private parties and the results of these researches have…

The Poultry Keeper's Vade-Mecum

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No branch of stock-breeding is, or can be, so general as poultry-keeping, which is within the opportunity of almost every section of the community, each carrying out the work in accordance with its immediate conditions. That is certainly the case with fowls, and to a lesser extent with ducks. Geese and turkeys can alone be profitably bred where…

Twelve Months Work in the Poultry Yard

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The contents of this booklet are intended to be, primarily, intensely practical and to teach a method of poultry keeping exactly opposite to that which is "fussy," complicated and unnecessarily laborious.

On the other hand, the title "Twelve Months' Work" has been purposely chosen to emphasize the fact that the successful poultryman will find…

From Shell to Show Room: A Compendium of Useful Information, Covering Every Phase of Poultry Growing From the Egg to Maturity

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It was this idea of educating the new breeder to a better way of starting in the business, and avoiding the errors which have wrecked the hopes of many inexperienced ones, who started wrong, with no available reference to correct them, that the authors of this book planned a publication of this kind. It is our aim to tell you in a way that is easy…

How to Make Poultry Keeping Pay

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Many times every year those who have done business with me from year to year have asked why I did not write a book telling how to make poultry as profitable as possible. I have always felt that I should wait to do this until I had learned more of the secrets of success with poultry, but I find that if I were to wait until I knew everything that…

Poultry Appliances & Handicraft: How to Make & Use Labor-Saving Devices. With Descriptive Plans for Food & Water Supply, Building & Miscellaneous Needs. Also Treats on Artificial Incubation & Brooding

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About one hundred and fifty handy devices are explained and illustrated in this little book. These have been selected for superior merit from a much larger number available. Here skilled poultry keepers from all parts of the country have detailed the favorite short-cuts that have saved them most loss and trouble. Many new ideas have been added,…


The Seven Fundamentals.

The first factor to be considered in the success of any poultry business is the foundation stock. The kind of birds one will finally select will depend upon the type of business one wishes to go into, the market, the geographical location, and one's own personal preference. But there are certain fundamentals which every…

The Common-Sense Poultry Doctor

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Of books and booklets on poultry diseases there are in the English language possibly a score — not including pamphlets or circulars distributed to advertise remedies. Besides, nearly every general work on poultry contains a chapter on poultry diseases.

Of works on poultry diseases a goodly proportion are by men who may be considered specialists,…

Poultry-Craft: A Textbook for Poultry Keepers. What To Do. How To Do It. Completely Indexed for the Convenience of Busy People

For those who want to know about poultry keeping, for those who wish to learn poultry keeping, and for poultry keepers who cannot always remember things they know at the moment they happen to need them, this book was written: to the small army of writers of permanent and current poultry literature, nearly every one of whom has in some way…

Productive Poultry Husbandry: A Complete Text, Dealing With the Principles and Practices Involved in the Management of Poultry

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The exceedingly large and ever-increasing demand for poultry and poultry products, at home and for export, has caused the poultry business to become so profitable, when conducted upon a scientific basis, that no breeder can afford to lack the latest knowledge of best methods in all its branches.

A number of poultry books have appeared during…

Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture

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Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture features farmer experiences plus the latest research in a guide to raising chickens and turkeys using pens, movable fencing and pastures.

A Wisconsin family nets between $2 and $6 per bird for their pasture-raised poultry, and partners with two other producers in processing and marketing. A New Mexico…

Profitable Poultry: Berry’s Golden Rule Poultry Farm

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MY DEAR FRIEND: — Now I am going to write a pretty long introduction; but I want to know all the people who have sent for this book and I want you all to know me WELL. Know me well enough to have confidence in me that I will do just what I say I will and give you a good square deal. So I want you to read this through.

The old saying, "Nothing…

Principles and Practice of Poultry Culture

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The method of treatment adopted in this book is the simple, scientific method, — that of presenting essential facts in logical order. The following of this method has led to some departures from the conventional way of presenting poultry topics. The unity of the poultry group is here conceived as essential and arising from the nature of the birds,…